Kari Lake Goes Off: ‘I’m Going To be Your Worst Frickin’ Nightmare’ – IOTW Report

Kari Lake Goes Off: ‘I’m Going To be Your Worst Frickin’ Nightmare’

Conservative Brief: Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake spoke with reporters on Tuesday afternoon and she wasted little time setting the record straight after a reporter asked her about potentially being picked to be Donald Trump’s 2024 running mate.

“I’m going to do two terms. I’m going to be your worst frickin’ nightmare for 8 years, and we will reform the media as well. We are going to make you guys into journalists again. So, get ready. It’s going to be a fun 8 years.”

A reporter went on to ask Lake: “Just curious, your attorney had mentioned maybe a possible silver lining with the issues that you will be able to move about town and kind of shake hands and talk to some of the people in line. Could you elaborate on your plans later today.”

“We are going to encourage people to stay in line, we are going to vote and stay in line and the people of Arizona would walk over hot coals and they would walk over broken glass to vote today and I know that they can stand in line for a couple hours if they have to. I know they’ll stand in line for eight hours if they have to. And they will vote and my message to the people of Arizona is do not get out of line until you have cast your vote. Do not get out of line until you have cast your vote. Things are looking very good for us. They may be trying to slow a red tsunami but it’s coming, and we are going to take back Arizona and I know that people are out voting, take food, wear comfortable shoes, take some water and just stay in line, Arizona, and vote. Vote, vote, vote, we have to vote today,” Lake responded. MORE

3 Comments on Kari Lake Goes Off: ‘I’m Going To be Your Worst Frickin’ Nightmare’

  1. I love that kinda talk, but even she can’t,” make you guys into journalists again”. They never were real journalists, they are activists who have no real appetite for objective news reporting.

    “Vote, vote, vote, we have to vote today,”

    Does this mean we should all vote 4 times? That’s what the other side does, seems only fair.

  2. She is the most Reaganesque politician since Ronny! The UNIPARTY still hates Ronny; which is why they hate her!

    When she showed copies of Clinton and Obama denying Don won 6 years ago it was another “I paid for this mike!” moment! She put the UNIPARTY in its place.

    Mitch must be gnashing his teeth! Rove pissed his pants! Forget not that 2 months ago both UNIPARTY men said she would be destroyed by Hobs! Mitch and Karl have to be beside themselves with anger and hate! I’m heartbroken!


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