Arizona Governor candidate Kari Lake and candidate for State AG Abe Hamadeh held a press conference earlier today to outline Lake’s policy proposal to restaff police units and support law enforcement in the state. The somewhat combative press Q&A begins at 12:30 of the video. WATCH:
Kari can read the stitches on the Media’s fastballs and knocks it out of the park!
More than that she has real solutions for real problems!
Kari seems almost too good to be true!
I pray she IS that good.
I pray she WINS.
My rule of thumb: The more hostile the press, the better the candidate.
They were trying to get her to say something…anything…they could twist so they could call her racist. The problem is, they were incapable of outsmarting her.
Oh God, Inslee is going to run for a 4th term. I fucking can’t stand it when I see what a difference a solid can make.
… “how many ‘people of Color’ have you spoken to”?
BAM! Nothing like calling out the fake news!
Shes even more amazing when you realize the sort of things she USED to do
Basically morning and afternoon womens shows a la The View. Doing puff pieces masquerading as serios news. I never paid her the slighest bit of attention
And now look at her. However blown your minds are, add two quantum leaps of “blown mindeness” to understand where my brain’s at