Kari Lake says she’s assembled legal team ‘to correct the many wrongs’ after Hobbs declares victory – IOTW Report

Kari Lake says she’s assembled legal team ‘to correct the many wrongs’ after Hobbs declares victory


Arizona Republican Kari Lake said Thursday that she has assembled a legal team to “correct the many wrongs” related to Democrat Katie Hobbs being projected to be the winner in their governor race.

“I am busy here collecting evidence and data,” Lake, who has not conceded the race, says in a video titled “Arizona, we are still in the fight.” “Rest assured, I have assembled the best and brightest legal team and we are exploring every avenue to correct the many wrongs that have been done this past week.”

The video was released two days after the Associated Press projected that Hobbs, Arizona’s secretary of state, would win the governor’s race. MORE HERE

20 Comments on Kari Lake says she’s assembled legal team ‘to correct the many wrongs’ after Hobbs declares victory

  1. I wish her luck.
    Thing is, she needs some whistle-blowers to come forth.
    It’s likely ballot harvesting that the dems have mastered over the past few years.

    Word is, the republicans are waking up to the fact that we have to fight fire with an inferno.
    We have to make it to where they rue the day they came up with this shit.
    Hell, they will eventually clamor for a wall after we convert all the Hispanics…

  2. I have to wonder if it is just another chapter of the same book. I’ll believe we have turned around when some important person gets indited. Maybe Hunter’s house get raided.

  3. What pisses me off more than anything is how the liberal media can’t address her in a single article or headline without referring to her as “election denier Kari Lake” for the past several months. They set her up to dismiss her out of hand for asking questions in her race with Hobbs to make people look the other way when she assembles legal team ‘to correct the many wrongs’ after Hobbs declares victory in a nod to fellow “journalists” to put her at best on the last page in fine print. Carry on, ignore our theft of your country or we’ll lose “our democracy” and bring the hammer down on you as a denier as well.

  4. Until death is the penalty for election fraud it will continue.
    Death for the actual fraudsters and death for the organizers and financiers of fraud.
    It’s the only way to stop it.
    A bunch of weaselly lawyers gnawing each others’ tails while enriching themselves will accomplish little – with very few exceptions they are the bane of America (and judges are just well-connected maggot shysters).

    We keep relying on the corrupt manipulators to save us from the corrupt manipulators!
    Seems a little silly, doesn’t it?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If there are no honest courts that will straighten this out? Then there is only a few options left.
    A few million people parked on the Maricopa highways of Arizona can stop them from moving and get their attention. The other is much worse.


    Right you are! And GWB’s leftist has said dozens of times the lat 3 years, “NO STANDING!”
    Far left Rpberts has the final say. Roberts has a clear record of protctint UNIPARTY.

  7. From the article: “The video was released two days after the Associated Press projected that Hobbs, Arizona’s secretary of state, would win the governor’s race.”

    And a month after Fox News Phoenix declared Hobbs the winner.

  8. ” The great news is if Lake wants a recount Lake will have to pay for it.”

    As usual, the Libtards are wrong. If the difference between the two is at or less than 1/2 a percent then the recount is automatic and the state pays for it. Question is, is Sandy Vajayjay stupid, or lying?

  9. Ah Billy, you may not be smelling your foot odor. You have your head up your ass so much everything probably smells like shit. I bet blowing corn kernels out of your nose has to be a little disturbing.

  10. What will happen to her legal team and lawsuit is the exact same thing that happened to all the lawsuits filed over the massive cheating in 2020. Partisan commie judges will dismiss them out of hand without even bothering to look at the evidence. The criminal commie left owns the VAST majority of judges….who ALWAYS rule along party lines instead of on evidence.


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