Karine Jean-Pierre Calls Biden “President Obama,” Laughs About It – IOTW Report

Karine Jean-Pierre Calls Biden “President Obama,” Laughs About It

14 Comments on Karine Jean-Pierre Calls Biden “President Obama,” Laughs About It

  1. nunyo bidness
    FEBRUARY 24, 2023 AT 8:38 AM


    There are no accidents.

    I think they are done with the Pedo.

    That means they have something even WORSE to replace him with.

  2. Constitution says you can only be ELECTED president Twice, but if Joey goes, and Kamala steps up and appoints Barry as VP then he is eligible to assume the presidency if Kamala should then have an “unfortunate accident”.

  3. A distinction without a difference. Illegitimate pResidents come in all colors.

    Feed a bovine different meal and what comes out its ass end LOOKS different, but it’s the same shit.

  4. @ SNS, winner winner chicken dinner

    we all know biteme was a placeholder for …
    don’t touch that dial, stay tuned for the next FF to see who will that mystery person may be


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