Karl Lagerfeld wrecks Angela Merkel’s virtue-signaling narrative on migrants – IOTW Report

Karl Lagerfeld wrecks Angela Merkel’s virtue-signaling narrative on migrants

American Thinker: Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld is in hot water again, this time for his remarks about migrants, Germans and Jews. Blasting German Chancellor Angela Merkel for opening the country’s borders to millions of migrants from the Islamic Middle East, he said;


“One cannot – even if there are decades between them – kill millions of Jews so you can bring millions of their worst enemies in their place,” he told a French television show.

“I know someone in Germany who took a young Syrian and after four days said, ‘The greatest thing Germany invented was the Holocaust,'” he added.

The master of postmodern irony noticed something that’s gone on without irony in Germany for awhile now: That Germany, the country that killed so many millions of Jews during the Holocaust, is now repopulating itself with millions of unassimilable anti-Semitic Islamic migrants. Who will undoubtedly become part and parcel of the fabric of Germany before they ever change their appalling attitudes and prejudices.

So of course the reaction among Germany’s elites is one of shock and outrage.

Because up until now, the German elites have been selling the idea that taking in millions of migrants was really proof of their own goodness, a virtue-signal if there ever was one, in a sharp rebuke to all those deplorable American cowboys who think differently. Never mind that the migrants themselves have no compunctions about openly advocating anti-Semitism and terrorism.

Lagerfeld, a Hamburg native, pretty well knew what he was doing when he made the remarks to shock the euro-bourgeoisie, which is now flailing at his observations.

“Merkel had already millions and millions (of immigrants) who are well integrated and who work and all is well… she had no need to take another million to improve her image as the wicked stepmother after the Greek crisis,” said Lagerfeld.

“Suddenly we see the pastor’s daughter,” he said in reference to Merkel’s father, who was a Protestant minister in the former East Germany.  read more 

9 Comments on Karl Lagerfeld wrecks Angela Merkel’s virtue-signaling narrative on migrants

  1. Finally, a German who speaks words to power truth.

    Germany is lost if immigrants can’t (or won’t) assimilate just as surely America is as well.

    The “virtue signaling” may become a suicide act.

  2. He can blame Merkel for the more recent importation of rat-people, but Germany has been importing them since just after WWII because of the magnificent manpower losses she incurred. Germany has an affinity for izlamic savages, probably due to the authoritarian/feudalistic/pseudo-religious aspects of their “civilization” which much resembles the “Teuton” or “Aryan” ideal – a great mass of willing slaves at the command of their “fuhrer” who attaches to himself (and herself) a sort of quasi-godhood (similar in some respects to the “divinity” of the Caesars from which they derived “Kaiser”).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I started riding motorcycles again last year after giving them up 20+ years ago. There’s an aggregator on youtube I watch that threads together moto-vlogger content. The clips are about bikers vs. cars, angry people, police encounters, etc. They’re sourced from moto-vloggers all over the world, which provides an interesting perspective of what it’s like to be a biker in another country.

    The German encounters are typically the most cringe-worthy. Not because of how rough the language is, but because they’re absolute fcuking pansies. Apparently they just run around telling on one another in Germany, to the point that nobody will tell someone to simply fcuk off for fear of repercussion. They’re so scared of being labeled something that they’re not, they just shut up and take whatever abuse it is they’re receiving. It’s clear that progressivism has neutered Germans, making them self destructive, it’s no wonder they allow non-native species to overrun their country.

  4. So Europe disarmed its citizens, brought in millions of violent jihadis who smuggle in firearms, grenades, or improvise weapons such as machetes and acid, and now the native population cannot and most importantly, WILL NOT, defend itself, its people, its children, its birthright.

    There are two hostile criminals:
    1. Muslim invaders.
    2. Politicians who are Muslim-enablers.

  5. Germans started (after WWII) with 2 “temporary” worker programs (one for the Polish and one for the Turks).

    The Poles were Eastern Germany’s migrant workers. The Turks were good workers from a “westernizing” country. Both were needed and were looked at as guest workers. Some did some assimilating and were welcomed.

    The problems started as refugees who were allowed to come with no official status and left to fend for themselves. The problem grew because German politicians are sh_t-for-brains politically correct virtue signaling clowns who didn’t talk or deal with the issues. And most Germans spoke only to ground in the hole they buried their heads in.


  6. Germany needs to re-invite the Jews back and kick out ALL THE MUZZIES. Invite back civilization and oust the barbarians.
    Spain recently re-invited the Jews back after the Expulsion in 1492 (if the immigrants can prove some sort of Spanish connection), so it is never too late.
    But once the Muzzies reach demographic majority, then it will be too late.


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