karma did not disappoint – IOTW Report

karma did not disappoint

There’s a very popular TikTok trend that was started by angry women called #GymCreeper. In a nutshell, this trend consists of women taking undercover videos of men supposedly gawking at them while they workout. 
It didn’t work out for this chick.

23 Comments on karma did not disappoint

  1. True Story

    Overheard yesterday: 2 teleaddicts talking to each other in a public place and both heads down buried in their phones, thumbs flying and both completely oblivious to their surroundings and that they were in Public being overheard,

    Girl 1: “The Money is in the account”
    Girl 2: replies “It’s not stealing if they give you the password”

    True Story

  2. Who would do such a thing?
    Well at first glance with sound off, I see she has child-bearing hips and thighs that will require a ‘wide load’ sign in a few years. So instead of being a girl that a guy may want to connect with, she chooses to go Amazona and punish men.
    iow, arrogant squaw.

  3. Joey Swoll, a gym rat, has an entire youtube following on gym etiquette, don’t make fun of people trying to do the right thing even if they are newbies, and exposing women who do this sort of nonsense at the gym. He has some very good videos;

    ht tps://www.youtube.com/@thejoeyswoll

  4. Twice a week, I take my 86 year old mother to the gym. She rides the stationary bike for 10 minutes (recovering from two falls, two surgeries, etc.)
    The bikes are right in front of the open weight area. I see lots of young women, barely dressed, phones nearby, who spend the entire 10 minutes prepping the weights. That is all they do. I have not seen them actually LIFT the weights.
    It is all for show and attention.
    Note to the youngsters: You go to the gym, you do your thing, mind your own business, and go home.

  5. Many years ago I was “gawked” by some women working on the assembly line – I overheard “nice ass for a white boy”, purposefully spoken loud enough for me to hear.
    I was flattered.

  6. Over Heard
    MARCH 16, 2023 AT 11:15 AM

    “Girl 1: “The Money is in the account”
    Girl 2: replies “It’s not stealing if they give you the password”

    True Story”

    …thought you might appreciate this…


    “You might hear bits of conversation
    As you pass through public places
    Some loud talker on a cellphone
    Or a tiff at the next table

    Most walk by and not remember
    But one evening last December
    I passed two women talking by
    The front door of my hotel

    I stopped and thanked them by the curb
    The moment that I heard their words
    And said it was the finest line of eavesdrop
    I’d ever overheard

    Their words stuck inside my head
    So I wrote down the words they said
    And with a hotel pen I wrote: Then
    They had to Taser her again.

    Cuz then they had to Taser her
    The first time wasn’t fazing her
    Whatever she did, she did it twice
    Who was this gal, why weren’t she nice?

    They zapped her once she improvised
    A twitchy breakdance jazzercise
    She didn’t get the hint cuz then
    They had to Taser her again

    These swirling words did not relent
    Speculatin’ ’bout this incident
    And it’s gonna drive me crazy
    Cuz I’ll never know the truth

    Were there warrants unresolved?
    How much alcohol was involved?
    And did her stepson remember
    To return to the trailer
    The next day to feed her snake?

    Cuz then they had to Taser her
    The first time wasn’t fazing her
    Whatever she did, she did it twice
    Who was this gal, why weren’t she nice?

    Her hair is spiked, she spilled her bong
    They upped the volts, she soiled her thong
    She didn’t get the hint cuz then
    They had to Taser her again

    No she didn’t get the drift cuz then
    They had to Taser her again”
    “Tazer Her Again”, Heywood Banks

  7. She was just another perpetual victim looking for another opportunity.

    Lot’s people out there just like her.

    Especially the racist kind that think everyone else is racist.

    It’s tiring.

  8. Another Group-O {Oblivious} to be aware of

    I lived where people park
    They gots no place else to go
    They sit in their vehicles
    Not moving
    Just sitting
    Nothing wrong with that
    BlueToothers have a tendancy to use phones
    And make phonecalls
    And receive phonecalls
    And, for convience, they connect their phones
    To their Cars
    And their Speakers
    And their speakers are special
    They boost the bass
    To ensure the World can hear
    Sometime even when they think they are on private calls
    They do not realize the audio
    Is still going to the speaker
    Broadcast to the World.
    Maybe you heard them too, at a stoplight?

  9. ^^^^^ I don’t know what is more disturbing, the fact that there is a market for this or that you know about it. What possible use could this serve? And you thought we came here for the chili recipes.

  10. What possible use you ask?!

    Jethro, see if they send gifts to third parties.
    And then someone please give me Mooch’s PO BOX address.

  11. Kunt. If she has a fiancé, someone should show him this, stat. Of course, she could be one half of a Margo/Todd* duo, in which case they deserve each other.

    *Christmas Vacation reference

  12. Gym management seems to be getting wise to these GenZ feminist, thirst trap shrews. Young, stupid and think they’ll have those nice bodies forever.
    By the time they’ll want a real relationship with a guy, they won’t be that “cute” anymore and no idea how to keep him.


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