Karoline Leavitt unveils huge shake-up for White House reporters  – IOTW Report

Karoline Leavitt unveils huge shake-up for White House reporters 

DMUK: President Donald Trump’s new press secretary Karoline Leavitt announced a shake-up for White House reporters in her highly-anticipated first briefing on Tuesday.  

The 27-year-old who made history as the country’s youngest press secretary scolded traditional media for ‘losing trust’ and said millions of Americans are instead looking to other outlets for their news. 

‘We know for a fact that there have been lies that have been pushed by many legacy media outlets in the country about this president, about his family and we will not accept that,’ she stated. ‘We will call you out when we feel your reporting is wrong or there is misinformation about this White House.’ 

She announced that two seats usually reserved for White House staff would become ‘new media’ seats – and those individuals would get to ask the first questions.  more here

13 Comments on Karoline Leavitt unveils huge shake-up for White House reporters 

  1. OK guys I voted for Trump and all but I call bullshit. He, and his press secretary, should lock horns with the media, not install ass-kissers. Sorry, I’m not going along with this one.

  2. @Jason – definitely valid… but then you have the Acostas of the world who force their way to the front and ask pointless, self-indulgent questions. But we do want to see journalists holding truth to power.

  3. “the jerks need to be kept in line.”

    A big part of this is strictly following decorum. I hate it when an antagonistic reporter asks a question, then, after a proper and thorough answer is given and the press sec. calls on someone else, that same douche reporter interrupts with a follow-up or an entirely different question.

    Go in granting everyone a clean slate, but when the privilege is abused, cut them off at the knees.

  4. Decorum and the Truth should be all that is accepted. If the Media is going to push their agenda, rumors or unvetted stories in the briefing room or anywhere else they should be disinvited. We don’t have time for their shit!

  5. I was happy to be able to vote for her, even though Papass supposedly won. Met her at a meet and greet; she is an impressive young lady. I think she will do great as press secretary.

  6. I love it. I’m sure the same upheavals have happened each time new media technologies have emerged – print then radio then broadcast TV then cable channels.

    It’s about time the White House finally embraced the internet/social media age. Because most and not just the young aren’t going back.

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