Kash Patel Names Four Government Officials He Believes Could Be Targets of John Durham’s Investigation – IOTW Report

Kash Patel Names Four Government Officials He Believes Could Be Targets of John Durham’s Investigation

CTH: We begin any outline of the Durham investigation with the following disclaimer:  How is John Durham going to reveal everything that is possible about the deep state Trump targeting operation, and simultaneously handle the involvement of Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann and the special counsel team who were specifically appointed to cover it up.

Kash Patel former Pentagon chief of staff, and former senior staff advisor to the House intelligence committee, discusses the recent public developments within the John Durham investigation, and gives his opinion on possible targets who were operating inside government. 

Patel holds the opinion that Joe Biden’s current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is a likely target.  Patel also says he could see three former FBI officials as targets of the Durham probe: (1) former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe; (2) former FBI Special Agent in the Counterintelligence Division, Peter Strzok; and (3) former DOJ legal counsel to Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page.

Patel frames his opinion that Andrew McCabe would be targeted from the perspective that McCabe likely told FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith to change the wording of an email in order to support the Carter Page FISA application renewal.  Clinesmith plead guilty and was sentenced to six months probation; however, in the court filings and affidavits Clinesmith said under oath he acted alone – so I’m not sure why Patel is confident about Andrew McCabe being at risk from Clinesmith.  WATCH:

4 Comments on Kash Patel Names Four Government Officials He Believes Could Be Targets of John Durham’s Investigation

  1. Durham can recommend anyone he wants for prosecution, but it is Garland’s “justice” department that can choose to prosecute or not, right? And if Durham has orders not to pursue this to the top (i.e. Hillary and Barry), then the left can always claim victory, and say the two of them have been exonerated.

  2. Patel probably still has his security clearance. I think he is getting more information than he’s willing to announce right now.

    The best part of the story is that he is not some kind of “anonymous source.”

    He has a great show on Epoch TV.


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