Kash Patel Says That ‘Classified’ Documents At Mar-A-Lago Are Another Establishment Myth – IOTW Report

Kash Patel Says That ‘Classified’ Documents At Mar-A-Lago Are Another Establishment Myth


Deep state agents are among the best story tellers in the world…

For over 5 years now they have woven mythological tales about Donald J. Trump spanning every genre imaginable…

According to the imagination of these colorful people, President Trump is a confederate general, debauched playboy, a Russian double agent, and Adolf Hitler all at the same time.

Despite many, if not all the allegations against him proven to be false, the deep state continues to peddle lies about President Trump.

One of these allegations involved purportedly classified documents that were being kept at Mar-A-Lago.

Kash Patel claims that these allegations are false, and that the documents in question were, in fact, declassified. Patel goes on to explain that the mistake in thinking that the documents were classified lies in a technical formality.

4 Comments on Kash Patel Says That ‘Classified’ Documents At Mar-A-Lago Are Another Establishment Myth

  1. One might get the thought in their head that repeatedly pulling this same stunt would open these individuals up to liability for slander and defamation of character. Not a chance. These individuals are mobbed up. They are made members of The Party and that gives them impunity to do whatever the fuck they feel like doing.


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