Kasich Wins Dixville Notch, NH – IOTW Report

Kasich Wins Dixville Notch, NH

In the first precinct to report their primary results, John Kasich has won the Dixville Notch, New Hampshire primary vote. He defeated Donald Trump 3 to 2. We’ll see what happens in the rest of the state as the day goes by.

24 Comments on Kasich Wins Dixville Notch, NH

  1. Wow! Kasich really thrashed Trump with a margin of victory of 50% and completely skunked the rest of the field. Maybe Kasich was right about how NH was gonna be BIG for him.

  2. Did I need a “sarc” tag Brad? Kasich had 3 whole votes and Trump had 2. Statistically Kasich beat him by 50% – can’t you be a sport and let him enjoy his YUUUUUGE victory while he can?

  3. Harts Location
    Kasich 5
    Trump 4
    Christie 2
    Bush/Carson/Rubio 1

    Sanders 12
    Clinton 7
    Some guy named Greenstein 2

    Cruz 9
    Trump 9
    Kasich 9
    Christie 3
    Bush/Rubio 2
    Paul/Fiorina/Carson 1

    Sanders 17
    Hitlery 9
    Greenstein 2 (whomever the heck that is).

  4. Tsunami. It ain’t like we don’t know each other. And your not stupid by any stretch. Back up and watch what’s happening. There’s a shit load of people getting played. I’ll wait until Wednesday to comment any further but not here at Teddy central. I’ll e mail you.

  5. Brad – even if Kasich were to win NH I don’t think it really means anything (5 electoral delegates total). Some lady a couple of days ago at a rally told him she was trying to decide between him, Bernie and Hillary and he commented that he should be running as a democrat (at least he said something that was true). Kasich likely couldn’t come close to winning another primary anywhere including his home state of Ohio NH politics are pretty screwy.

  6. Bubba, I’m not arguing with brothers anymore. Hell we may end up in the same fox hole some time. This is following the GOP narrative. If Trump loses here I’m gone. Probably on the Canadian border where I can jump back and forth. Maybe Sand Point Idaho. You have no idea the mongster you are helping create.

  7. Brad – give it a little time. After super Tuesday I suspect that Trump and Cruz together will hold a large enough percentage of the vote total to prevent the GOPe from even trying to pull off a brokered convention to insert their candidate of choice. I know they screwed Ron Paul last cycle by changing the rules midstream, but I think any similar attempt this year would truly destroy the RNC forever – I think they’re crooked but not suicidal.


    Kasich 3
    Trump 2

    Sanders 4
    Clinton 0



    Cruz 9
    Trump 3
    Bush 1
    Christie 1
    Fiorina 1
    Kasich 1
    Paul 1
    Rubio 1

    Clinton 2
    Sanders 1


    Kasich 5
    Trump 4
    Christie 2
    Bush 1
    Carson 1
    Rubio 1

    Sanders 12
    Clinton 7
    Greenstein 2


  9. Not saying a word about early outcomes. These must be early mail in voters, right?

    But to release the early voter totals before the main event is dirty politics. It’s like calling a close race on the east coast before the west coast has voted.

    Our voting system in this country is so stupid and open to corruption. You’d think after 250-odd years on, someone would have cried “Uncle” on the whole thing.

  10. TO Bubba’s Brother (and Bad Brad)
    The only “problem” with “Trump and Cruz together will hold a large enough percentage of the vote total”

    is that the GOPe (and some in each camp) are doing their best to polarize each so that either

    A) divide and conquer will allow the GOPe to throw the nomination to a !Jeb!, or
    B) if Trump or Cruz wins, the supporters of one will never vote for the other.

    While I can name a half dozen or more proCruz/antiTrump websites off the top of my head, there’s only ConservativeTreehouse who falls in the opposite camp.
    Why are Cruz supporters so *shocked* at attacks?

  11. Liberals giving us a message….

    they will be out voting in droves for Kasich and Bush in order to make sure Trump and Cruz lose.

    Simple as that….They do it every 4 years.
    McCain, Romney, Dole ring a bell?

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