Kate Steinle’s family files lawsuit over deadly shooting on San Francisco pier – IOTW Report

Kate Steinle’s family files lawsuit over deadly shooting on San Francisco pier

FOX: Relatives of the woman shot to death on a San Francisco pier last year filed a lawsuit Friday saying the illegal immigrant accused in the killing should have been in custody if not for a series of mistakes by city and federal workers.

The killing of Kate Steinle in July 2015 and the arrest of Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez put San Francisco’s leaders on the defensive as critics and outside politicians called for a change in the city’s sanctuary law. Despite national outrage, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors on Tuesday upheld those protections for people in the country illegally.

The sheriff at the time of the killing, Ross Mirkarimi, is named in the lawsuit, along with ICE and the Bureau of Land Management. Mirkarimi previously defended the release of the suspect, a repeat drug offender and habitual border-crosser.  more

10 Comments on Kate Steinle’s family files lawsuit over deadly shooting on San Francisco pier

  1. I sure hope the plaintiffs have top-notch legal and financial support. The defendants have the deepest of deep pockets and armies of lawyers. I fear this won’t end well, but hope sincerely I’m wrong.

  2. We need to get rid of immunity for city officials in these matters.
    To hang all those who put pen to paper in favor of ‘Frisco’ being a sanctuary city would be a decent start to repair the damage done to this family and America.
    And I use the Frisco term because Friscoites hate it and it also rhymes with Crisco.
    Which is telling.

  3. See also, federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A)

    If the city government is, as a matter of policy, aiding and abetting the illegals, they are A) committing felonies, and B) an organized criminal conspiracy, thus subject to the felony-conspiracy rules.

    Every elected official in San Francisco, and every city employee, need to be collectively prosecuted for first degree murder (see felony murder doctrine), convicted, and executed.

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