Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex, married a total sleazeball – IOTW Report

Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex, married a total sleazeball

NYP: It’s what she doesn’t say that makes Kathleen Buhle’s divorce memoir, “If We Break” — out Tuesday — so compelling.

For 24 years she was, of course, Kathleen Biden, wife of the notorious Hunter, and daughter-in-law of the president.

In the final chapter, she goes to DC Superior Court to renounce her married name and reclaim her identity as Kathleen Buhle, of Chicago’s working-class South Side.

She never explains explicitly why she abandoned the Biden name, although taunts from Hunter after their ugly divorce played a role. “Are you enjoying your last name,” he would say.

Still, her book makes clear that despite the immense privileges, “being a Biden” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Kathleen makes no mention in the lengthy acknowledgements of any Biden, other than her three daughters, Maisy, 21, Finnegan, 23, and Naomi, 28 — whose November wedding will be held at the White House.

In fact, she says she was always made to feel lower-class and that she wasn’t “a true member of the Biden family.”

Early in her marriage, she recalls: “We were taking family photos and Hunter’s aunt [Val] was running the show . . . At one point she announced, ‘Now let’s do Biden blood only’ . . . My daughter and my husband were in the picture but somehow I wasn’t included.”
When the Secret Service told her before Inauguration Day in 2009 that only Hunter and their daughters would be protected, she felt “embarrassed . . . Did this mean I was less important than my husband and my kids?” more here

12 Comments on Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex, married a total sleazeball

  1. I am inclined to believe that the cell phone didn’t reveal a damn thing she wasn’t already aware of and fine with so long as she could look the other way and continue to enjoy and maintain proximity to power.

  2. Sad but this kind of thing happens to people every day.
    It’s like TMZ and other rags announcing pregnancies and births involving celebrities as if it’s a miracle that only happens to them.

  3. “She had been suspicious that her husband was spending so much time with his sister-in-law after Beau died of brain cancer, but their therapist told her it “was an important part of Hunter’s grieving.” ”

    Could this ‘therapist’ been that ugly-ass loonytoon PA Sec of Health who alone thought he was a womyn? Perhaps the eminent DOCTOR Jill, channeling Dr Phil? Or just another hanger-on in oBiden’s menagerie of feral mysanthropes ???

    *******To ALL those who voted for Shitpants for DECADES, and STILL won’t denounce the POS that he is, the pater familia to these animals, I say a thoroughly heartfelt and irrevocable ESAD, you’ve sullied this planet. No opprobrium is sufficient.

  4. Kathleen makes no mention in the lengthy acknowledgements of any Biden, other than her three daughters, Maisy, 21, Finnegan, 23, and Naomi, 28 — whose November wedding will be held at the White House.

    … at tax payer expense

  5. Hunter is 52 years old and looks 62. His heavy drug use over the years has killed what good looks he had.

    Any sob story from anybody associated with him is not interesting to me. Just shows what an idiot she was to have “nice things” by overlooking his credit card bills at strip joints and expensive gifts for other women.

  6. Kathleen makes no mention in the lengthy acknowledgements of any “Biden, other than her three daughters, Maisy, 21, Finnegan, 23, and Naomi, 28 — whose November wedding will be held at the White House.

    … at tax payer expense”

  7. That entire “Biden-blood” family are nothing more than typical street-corner vulgar and filthy dirtbags, all dressed up in pricey suits, heels, and ugly fingernail polish to cover up their pollution and sewage smell.


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