Kathy Griffin Suspended from Twitter After Impersonating Elon Musk – IOTW Report

Kathy Griffin Suspended from Twitter After Impersonating Elon Musk

Comedienne Kathy Griffin earned herself a Twitter suspension on Sunday when she impersonated billionaire Elon Musk as a stunt for Democrats.

Changing her profile name while employing Musk’s exact profile picture, Kathy Griffin then asked her thousands of followers to “Vote Blue” in the coming midterm election.

“Hey complainers and activists. Want to see real activism? Watch this. RT w #VoteBlue,” Griffin tweeted.

Twitter suspended Griffin’s account within an hour. more

22 Comments on Kathy Griffin Suspended from Twitter After Impersonating Elon Musk

  1. Don’t tug on Superman’s cape

    Kathy Griffin impersonated Elon Musk by changing the name of her account and tweeting political endorsements of Democrats. This was after Elon Musk had warned — ‘Going forward, any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying parody will be permanently suspended.’

    Elon said she can have her account back for $8.

  2. Screwing with peoples Identity is so funny, Eh?

    Ask my Daughter’s roommate, who stole her Credit card numbers TWICE, Her Drivers Lic, & some of her clothes.
    The Police were just in stitches on a Monday Morning.

    Good Luck applying to the Medical Post Grad Studies now.

  3. The no-talent horse-face Griffin woman was always a scammer and fraud from the jump who also has a history of cruelly abusing her own mother. Griffin is also a known racist who mocked and ridiculed black people (as many entertainers do) resulting in being banned from the Appollo Theater for life.

  4. Kathy “Mud Flaps” Griffin should have her ugly head cut off!

    Ha ha! That’s a fukkin joke! Get it?
    I’m as funny as “Mud Flaps.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Advertisers leaving Twitter left & right. It’s looking like Bluesky Social will give Twitter a run for their money & accounts.
    Jack Dorsey might have another hit on his hands.

  6. That creep Sarah Silvermann too. She was allowed back in after she changed her name back on her profile.
    But to me, Kathy Griffin continues to be a POS.
    She had no problem using her deceased mother’s Twitter account after she got suspended to attack Elon Musk.

  7. This the only way she knows how to get attention, by doing something rotten – including stealing her Demwit dead mother’s Twitter account. What an unfunny hack hag.

  8. 99th
    Twitter might be her last revenue stream too. I’m sure she’s tried to monetize it. How’s a butt ugly old hag like that make a living in the entertainment world?

  9. Hi Brad. The old crone is supported by fellow Holyweird crazies who have no idea what normal is in the real world.
    She must be living off residuals that are from movies she begged to be in – not stand up.

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