Kathy Griffin’s Midterm Advice: ‘DON’T F*CK ANYONE UNLESS THEY VOTE’ – IOTW Report

Kathy Griffin’s Midterm Advice: ‘DON’T F*CK ANYONE UNLESS THEY VOTE’

Left-wing comedian Kathy Griffin is once again dishing out great advice, this time telling her fans not to “fuck anyone” who doesn’t vote in the upcoming midterm elections.  more here


SNIP: Kathy Griffin has fans???

38 Comments on Kathy Griffin’s Midterm Advice: ‘DON’T F*CK ANYONE UNLESS THEY VOTE’

  1. I hate it when old people try to tell kids what to do. Ol’ Mudflap is trying to appeal to the millennial goofs, she dried up long ago. Just imagine the unlucky goof that finds themselves in bedroom with her. I doubt they’re going to vote.

  2. Whenever I hear this slag talk I’m reminded just how much she lost by disrespecting and attacking Trump. She could have looked at a career which over the years brought her in at least a few million and setting her up for a comfortable retirement. Not any more and she realizes it and you can see that in the depth she sinks in her vile twitter entries and interviews. She’s going to be working (when gets work) until the day she dies with no one to blame but herself.

  3. ShaddddUp Kathy Gherkin and jam a pickle init

    it’s its own language now.

    learn it
    # Comment
    Feature: Eating too many cucumbers may not be good for you

    Eating too much of anything may not be good for you.

    Scenario: Eating a few is no problem
    Given Kathy is hungry
    When she eats 3 cucumbers
    Then she will be full

  4. My dog woudn’t shag Griffin.
    But on another note, when I got home today at about 5pm, after a rough day on the course,I told the wife I was shagged. She told me, you should be, at your age, acting like you’re fifty. I said whaddayoumean? She said you’re 77 today is your birthday, October 25th. I swear I had forgotten. But that makes up for the times I had forgotten HER birthday. So I said, Damn! and I quoted the great Mickey Mantle: “If I knew I was going to live this long, I’da taken better care of myself.” Great ball player, great Yankee.
    Just sayin’
    “The Mick” died at age 63. But he drank a lot more than I did/do.

  5. @ Moe Tom – Cheers! whaddayamean!? Loved that.

    Let’s NOT forget the act of visual VIOLENCE that the BITCH, aka Kathy Griffin, held up the decapitated HEAD of the POTUS!! Hiding behind being art?

    NOW they (CNN and other leftists) want to talk about being civil? EFF OFF. Uh them not yous…

    Paging Hillary Rotten Clinton and Eric Molder.


  6. Happy Birthday, Moe Tom!! 😀

    I’ve known stalkers who were less obsessed with their victims than Griffin is with Trump. I guess you could also say that about most of the Leftists out there. Amazing. Insane.

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