Katie Hill Was ‘In Bed’ with a Woke Reporter Who Published Fake Stories to Help Cover for Her Sex Scandal – IOTW Report

Katie Hill Was ‘In Bed’ with a Woke Reporter Who Published Fake Stories to Help Cover for Her Sex Scandal

Western Journal: Former Democratic Rep. Katie Hill gained quite a lot of notoriety for herself during her short time in office after it was revealed that she not only had a polyamorous “throuple” with a young staffer and her now-ex-husband, but was sleeping with another staffer once that ill-fated affair turned sour.

Well, it turns out that as the sex scandal broke, she was sleeping with a reporter who was covering the scandal in Hill’s favor.

For those of you keeping track at home, that’s three entirely separate people with whom Hill was engaged in unethical sexual relations.

That’s a lot of shady hanky panky for one congresswoman.

The U.K.’s Daily Mail published a story that pointed out Hill told Vanity Fair as part of a glowing piece on her “next chapter” that she is expecting a baby with partner Alex Thomas.

19 Comments on Katie Hill Was ‘In Bed’ with a Woke Reporter Who Published Fake Stories to Help Cover for Her Sex Scandal

  1. can someone please define ‘unethical sexual relations’ by a demonazi?

    ’cause I’m pretty sure there ain’t anything this side of ameobaphilia that they won’t bang

  2. Uh, I think the article would have a little more oomph if they’d stuck to the journalistic ethics angle. Hill is a known quantity but the baby daddy/”journalist” should have his press credetials cut up in front of him, his lanyard jerked from his neck, and be drummed out of the corpse.

    (Hill reminds me of a childhood friend who slept her way through her husband’s family — each one of her husband’s married brothers. And she managed to not have any of the SIL’s hate her. Men can be so stupid to let sex run their lives.)

  3. I think the Democrat party is filled with sex-crazed perverts. Why is she in the news? Isn’t she ashamed of her behavior? Honestly! Why does she seek more publicity instead of hiding from the public view for what she did? Are they trying to convince us that there’s nothing wrong with screwing the help?


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