Katie Hopkins leads the charge against Jihad Apologists – IOTW Report

Katie Hopkins leads the charge against Jihad Apologists

Patriot Retort:

I just watched this morning’s outstanding interview with Katie Hopkins from Fox & Friends. And you guys really should watch it.

As I mentioned yesterday, Hopkins got reported to the police for tweeting out this:

She is an outspoken critic of Europe’s open borders policy and the flood of Muslim migrants in Britain.

And her Daily Mail column after Monday’s terrorist attack in Manchester is brilliantly harsh and brutally honest.

It’s quite a refreshing change from the “let’s carry on as usual” and “don’t let racists divide us” claptrap the Left is peddling in the face of another brutal attack.

And this interview is just as excellent.

18 Comments on Katie Hopkins leads the charge against Jihad Apologists

  1. saw this … she is right on … sadly I see no evidence of ‘Western Males’ in Europe; it’s already over. no one will fight back … they are doomed … good luck to you ladies … I see nothing but subjugation & humiliation in your future
    & sadly the ‘Western Male’ is being systematically eradicated by the US government
    … the Uniparty is totally ‘in’ on this

  2. Hopefully mama bear instincts will kick in. The males have been so bashed, woosified and intimidated, they quite possibly have lost heart and determination to fend for their offspring. (Notice I didn’t say “men.”}

  3. She also broke down exactly why the TSA shouldn’t exist. TSA has no defined enemy, in fact the populist defined enemy (islam) is not scrutinized nearly as much as a peaceful multi generation natural born assimilated citizens. Keep calm while we finger rape your daughter and let the hefty bag pass through unobstructed at the same time. Tell me that’s not happening right now in the US while UK is on critical.

  4. @Jimmy May 24, 2017 at 9:39 pm

    > It’s a well-funded, worldwide, urban gorilla war against the West.

    Considering the urban West, could you point me to the gorilla’s tip jar?

  5. If I could have a super power, it would be one where I could time warp anyone I wanted back 150 years or so, just for a day or two. I bet when they come back they’ll have a different outlook on life.

  6. OLD-OAK,
    Yea My super power would be Star
    Trek transporter powers.I would take a
    SJW libtard college brat to NoKo prison camp,
    Cuba,Turkish prison,ETC.Bet They sing a different tune
    when they get back to the good ole USA.

  7. Brits have been fighting along side us in Afganistan and Iraq for more than 15 years, including Prince Harry. Britons know they have a musloid problem, worse they have a Euroshithead subversive nightmare. Hence Brexit.

    Give it time. Enoch Powell knew 50 years ago it would take generations, Winnie knew even earlier libshits were fascists.

    Tommy Robinson is fighting, support him. Join him.

  8. @Plain Jane May 24, 2017 at 10:21 pm

    The mama bears (not the “men”) have placed their cubs on the log, climbed aboard, and pushed off, into the flow that leads to the falls. Maybe none of them (maybe not even the mama bears) deserve their fates (for various reasons). What do you propose the “men” onshore do? Not what do you want to happen. What do you propose the “men” (to quote Progressives) “left behind” actually do?

  9. If the Brits have any balls, start getting armed. Buy your weapons on the black market, carry concealed, whatever it takes. DO not wait for the police or the military to defend you.

    The Islamists are waging a guerrilla war, and it is on your streets now. If you see something, don’t just say something, do something and make it count.

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