Katie Porter(D-CA)’s Removal from Financial Services Committee Highlights Widening Intra-Democrat Rift – IOTW Report

Katie Porter(D-CA)’s Removal from Financial Services Committee Highlights Widening Intra-Democrat Rift


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others in Democrat House leadership quietly bumped Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) off the powerful congressional panel that oversees America’s financial institutions, a report reveals.

The instance with Porter, who had regularly criticized House Financial Services Committee chairwoman Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), presents a possible looming rift within the House Democrat conference which usually falls in line behind its party’s leaders easily.

The friction began when the powerful and secretive House Steering Committee–run by the Speaker and her allies–removed Porter from the Financial Services Committee this year. Porter’s removal by the Steering Committee was, according to a report from the Los Angeles Times, for a simple reason: Porter flowered into a force of her own, overshadowing Waters while garnering praise from House progressive stars such as “squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), for attempting to “change the system that her colleagues have been operating under for years,” which particularly undermines committee leadership.

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6 Comments on Katie Porter(D-CA)’s Removal from Financial Services Committee Highlights Widening Intra-Democrat Rift

  1. Mean while these assholes continue to over step. The 9th just ruled an exit tax illegal because it restricts interstate travel. The communists were quick to point out the courts are way behind the times and public sentiment.
    California Libtards are also trying to push forward a Bill that would allow them to confiscate 50% of your portfolio above one million dollars there by chasing every damn venture capitalists out of the state. This is what happens when the insane gain control of the asylum

  2. I am so fu… Batwoman Porter is my representative, Hitler Hair Gel my governor. She Got students on campus where she ‘teaches?’ To vote for her. Newsom is saying anyone who signed recall is racist!

  3. Did she just get back from a CosPlay convention? So much for decorum in the former “People’s House”.

    She almost makes my State’s Rosa Delauro look normal. I said almost.

  4. Something new is emerging and most people are completely unaware if it.

    They will be caught by surprise and asking “How could this happen” and “How could we not have seen this coming” when it reaches the point large enough that people realize it. That’s the way the majority of the people do most of the time, with those that pay attention and predict it being called visionaries, prophets, psychics and such.

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