Kavanaugh clash reopens stolen valor allegations against Sen. Blumenthal – IOTW Report

Kavanaugh clash reopens stolen valor allegations against Sen. Blumenthal


At last week’s fiery hearing probing sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal lectured the Supreme Court nominee on the implications of telling even a single lie.

“Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus,” Blumenthal, D-Conn., told Kavanaugh, reciting a Latin phrase. “It means ‘False in one thing, false in everything.’”

But Blumenthal’s own difficult history with the truth is coming back to haunt him amid the Kavanaugh fight, with President Trump and Republican senators slamming him for inflating his military service during the Vietnam War.

In the 2000s, when Blumenthal served as Connecticut’s attorney general, he began to claim that he served in the Vietnam War. Blumenthal, repeatedly, has touted his experience during the war.

“When we returned [from Vietnam], we saw nothing like this,” Blumenthal reportedly said in 2003.

“We have learned something important since the days I served in Vietnam,” The New York Times quoted Blumenthal as saying in 2008.

“I served during the Vietnam era,” Blumenthal reportedly said at a Vietnam War memorial in 2008. “I remember the taunts, the insults, sometimes even the physical abuse.”

But Blumenthal didn’t serve in Vietnam. He reportedly obtained at least five military deferments between 1965 and 1970. He eventually served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, but did not deploy to Vietnam. read more

23 Comments on Kavanaugh clash reopens stolen valor allegations against Sen. Blumenthal

  1. Da Nang Dick sez, “But I will not allow anyone to take a few misplaced words and impugn my record of service to our country.”

    USMC Reserve (during non-war time) after five deferrals? What ‘service’?! Was he a chow hall cook or something?! “A few misplaced words” amounted to despicable stolen valor. (spit) He’s a creepy narcissist just like all the D’s. All puffed up and offended that he got called out. No shame.

  2. Truth is relative.

    Blumey-loony uses the false narrative of meritorious service only to remind himself that he’s good enough to have served if only he’d been given the chance.

    In his case he’s not been found wanting or wondering what he’d do if he faced the test – he finds himself knowing it already. Hence he’s awarded himself the medals.

    Those who’ve been there take the medals/service as just part of life – knowing others did much more (the ultimate sacrifice (and Hero/Heroine) is the one who didn’t return).

    Then, having committed the crime of lying about it and getting caught, and then appying the idea to another speaks volumes to the type of arrogant pissant he is.

    I pray that Judge Kavanaugh gets confirmed.

  3. I’m telling you;
    I may have unsubstantiated & uncorroborated evidence that Da Nang Dick sexually assaulted nurses at China Beach, and local women & children while he served with “honor & valor” IN Viet Nam.
    WTH…it’s just as believible a story as any other I’ve heard in the past few weeks.

  4. I just love it: Da Nang Dick, AKA Tay Ninh Richard. “Falsus in uno. falsus in omnibus.” Eat those words you phucking creep.
    Drop him a line Blumenthal.senate.gov.
    Da Nang Dick killed no one in Da Nang, Tay Ninh, or during the TET offensive, but he is doing his damdest to destroy an entire Irish American Catholic family here in the US. A real fucking putz, this guy is. The people of Connecticut must be zombies.

  5. He WOULD have been the first man on the moon, but a then 3 year old Brett cavanaugh groped him during a drunken after-pre-school party, which gave him PTSD and made him too traumatized to fly in a spaceship with only one hatch while he was valoriously shooting VC in the Nam.
    I have unsubstantiated & uncorroborated evidence of that event too.

  6. oooooooo……LATIN!!!!

    he meant, truthful in ONE thing, truthful in ALL….

    cause that’s the kinda latin he understands…….

    how does “blumenthal delenda est” sound to him, i wonder……


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