Kavanaugh Stole My G.I. Joe When I Was Six Years Old!!! – IOTW Report

Kavanaugh Stole My G.I. Joe When I Was Six Years Old!!!

18 Comments on Kavanaugh Stole My G.I. Joe When I Was Six Years Old!!!

  1. My husband keeps saying that Trump should’ve just moved on and nominated a different judge because of the accusations.

    I got kinda mad at him, and said that, no, the Dems will just do this to the next guy, and the next guy, and then a girl if Trump goes that route… It is as preposterous as this Dice video.

    It’s like that Picard scene about the line being drawn here, and no further. It seems ridiculous, but it is actually gotten to this point.


  2. The cops said, “Maybe they fell behind the dryer? Have you checked under the bed or behind the hamper? Maybe…”
    BULLSHIT!!! It’s a cover up!!!

    That boy, Brett, came drunkedly into my laundry room, laughing and talking with some other boy I don’t know and wouldn’t recognize so don’t press me on that. And the other boy had a boombox. It was playing some kind of loud music. Or Rush Limbaugh, maybe. I don’t know. But then he put his hand over my mouth, reached into the dryer with the other hand, took out 1 or 3 or 100 socks, and then with his other hand, turned down the radio so I could hear him call me a bitch.

    Three-handed Brett Kavanaugh raped me of my right to warm feet!!11!

  3. @MJA October 2, 2018 at 10:17 am

    > Three-handed Brett Kavanaugh raped me of my right to warm feet!!11!

    There, there, puddin’… look on the bright side… what they did to those socks was rape rape.

  4. Signed sworn letter:
    Dear Senator Kamalala,
    Brett helped me when my dad got hurt and couldn’t work, we were living in our car. Judge Kavanaugh found a place for us to stay, provided food and collected clothing for us. He helped my dad find a job and helped pay for my mom’s medication.

    Letter meet shredder!

  5. I feel terrible because I have a moral dilemma. I went on a date several years ago, and after arriving at her house to drop her off, I tried to kiss her. I also “accidentally” rubbed up against her, and when she objected I shoved her against the door where she cracked her head. I just started laughing at her pain and discomfort, and left to attend a party where there was plenty of beer. I never told anyone about this, and threatened my date with physical harm if she ever blabbed about my treatment of her.

    My dilemma is this: I now want to be a politician, and wonder if I should re-register as a Democrat. It seems like it would be advantageous to have a bunch of Democrat senators and the DNC covering for me if this incident ever came to light.

  6. In 1989, when Brett Kavanaugh was 24, my husband and I took our 2 year old twins to Golden Corral. I remember it clearly, because we were seated at a table across from a booth where an elderly man and woman were seated. My twin daughters were sitting in high chairs and Baby A, also known as “Trial” cut some very rancid cheese…loudly. Which proves that silent isn’t always deadliest. Anyhoo, she stood up and facing the old folks just minding their own business, announced her guilt proudly, “I BOUFED!” And her identical twin sister, Baby B AKA “Error” laughed! Just remember, JUDGE KAVANAUGH WHO WAS NOT PRESENT IN 1989 AT THE GOLDEN CORRAL IN LANCASTER PA ON COLUMBIA AVENUE WHICH IS NO LONGER THERE, WAS 24!


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