Kazakhstan: Hey, Liz! Here’s what a real Jan. 6 insurrection looks like: – IOTW Report

Kazakhstan: Hey, Liz! Here’s what a real Jan. 6 insurrection looks like:


American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

Congressional Democrats and their allies have been blowing a lot of hot air about the Jan. 6 “insurrection,” a pathetic crowd-control failure brought on by Capitol police incompetence, crossed wires among those charged with security, and quite likely some FBI pot-stirring, through agents provocateurs. It’s bee ess. The whole show is about discrediting President Trump to keep him from running for office in 2024, because, well, they know he won the 2020 election and a lot of voters would like to get their votes’ worth in 2024. But that’s precisely why they keep blowing the incident up into an “insurrection.”

According to leftist Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, who’s been tipped to lead the Democrats once House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leaves the scene, via PBS

It’s a day like Pearl Harbor and like Bloody Sunday down in Selma, Alabama, and like September 11 that should live in infamy here in America and throughout the world.

According to Trump-hating Rep. Liz Cheney, who channeled Hitler with this ultimatum:

“The Republican Party has to make a choice. We can either be loyal to our Constitution or loyal to Donald Trump, but we cannot be both,” Cheney said.

There’s also this one from the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden is preparing to mark the first anniversary of the U.S. Capitol insurrection, gathering with lawmakers to remember the violent attack that has fundamentally changed the Congress and raised global concerns about the future of American democracy.

The ABC News tease says ‘solemnly.’

The bloviations are billowing, with sobbing testimony planned from inconvenienced Congress members, likely some amazing fictions from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Congress planning to erect a “memorial” to the event on Capitol grounds.

Just one problem with this phony insurrection narrative sh-show:


The land of Borat is now in the midst of a real revolt and insurrection. Vladimir Putin is dispatching Russian troops now to that state now that violence is inundating the country. The government has toppled and the specter there are getting onto television screens.

Somehow the Jan. 6 “insurrection” being touted by Democrats as the ne plus ultra looks kind of … puny in comparison. more

10 Comments on Kazakhstan: Hey, Liz! Here’s what a real Jan. 6 insurrection looks like:

  1. It wuz like Pearl Harbor! Worse than 9/11! Capital Police gave their lives!
    Now they’ve got regular news outlets parroting this shit… ‘scuse me – absolute shit!
    The next generation is getting a hell of a lot of smoke shoved up their collective asses!!

  2. What I most remember:

    The cop retreating up each floor and letting the “insurrectionists” follow him.

    The footage of Ashley Babbit getting shot.

    The stories of several policemen who suspiciously died of heart attacks or suspiciously committed suicide since the “insurrection”.

    There has been more violence at Sunday School picnics. I will not believe a word of what the Biden gov’t and the legacy media say about it.

  3. My wife is from Kazakhstan. She spoke to many friends and relatives before the internet went down there. It’s worse than what’s being shown on TV. The citizens are unarmed. They are screwed.


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