“Keep On Canklin’ “ – IOTW Report

“Keep On Canklin’ “

We now live in a country with a government that is no longer responsible to ‘We The People.’ It is now owned by globalist oligarchs. They no longer care if we know. It’s ‘in our face.’

– Read more at Grrrgraphics.

15 Comments on “Keep On Canklin’ “

  1. It always has been in our face. We all got collectively smarter. Thank God He used Trump (and those wise enough to see before him) to expose these soon-to-be has beens.

  2. Yeah, Crumb’s a socialist at heart, yet he has complained over decades that the “Keep On Truckin'” image has been mass produced without his permission ad infinitum, is utter copyright infringement, and that the widespread use of this iconic art should have made him vastly wealthy by the end of the 1970s. I mean, he traded a stack of original artwork for a villa in France… he’s not super wealthy but he’s doing OK by the fruit of his art. I love his work, and I’ll grieve his passing when he goes.

    Even in the graphic above, it’s quite obvious that the legs and shoes are in fact by Crumb’s hand. The irony here is that, considering his political slant, Bob may very well be a Clinton supporter, I have no idea, and throwing this parody back at him may sting in a particular way.

    But that’s not the point, I guess. What I pick up from this is the idea that the counterculture of the 1960s has come half circle: what society derided as kooks, druggies and hippies in the 60s now rule society to a major degree. This graphic shows just how much the left has destroyed itself via blood and greed.

    I won’t even mention his sexual and racial bents. But hell, I just did.

    Peace and love my ass.

  3. And we are still well armed and ready to fight to the death before surrendering our right to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government.

    Wonder how Crumb feels about the muzzie hobby of chopping up cartoonists over there in France?

  4. Unruly, I really liked this Crumb quote from the article:

    “You don’t have journalists over there [in the US] anymore, what they have is public relations people. That’s what they have over in America now. Two-hundred and fifty thousand people in public relations. And a dwindling number of actual reporters and journalists.”

  5. LOLOLOLOL!!! thanks! This gave me the best laugh of the week so far.

    lets see, where did i put my fabulous furry freak brothers comics? Ah, over there by my bong.

  6. Ever see the documentary on Crumb, entiled “Crumb?” He’s a very sick individual, who hails from a very unhealthy background. Drug addiction, suicides abound in his family.

    Not necessarily a surprise when you see the amazing virtuosity and strangeness of his art. That sort of ability tends to come at the cost of other mental functions

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