Keith Ellison makes crazy statements about McDonalds – IOTW Report

Keith Ellison makes crazy statements about McDonalds

WFB: Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) took aim at the world’s largest restaurant chain in a Wednesday interview, labeling McDonald’s a “bad actor” and falsely accusing it of both “clear-cutting forests so they can graze more cattle” and paying its CEO $9,000 an hour.

Ellison’s interview with Truthout, part of its “Interviews for Resistance” series, grabbed headlines for the Democratic National Committee vice chairman’s statement that “maximum wage” laws should be established, a policy claim his interviewer Sarah Jaffe initially thought was a joke.

“No, I didn’t make a joke about maximum wage, I made a statement about maximum wage,” Ellison said before taking aim at McDonald’s.

“The CEO of McDonald’s makes $9,000 an hour and they’re fighting people getting $15 an hour,” Ellison said. “These people, not only are they screwing over workers, they’re screwing over the environment. They’re clear-cutting forests so they can graze more cattle, and we all know that beef production is extremely abusive on the environment. They’re bad actors, you know?” more

19 Comments on Keith Ellison makes crazy statements about McDonalds

  1. The left hates self sufficient cowboys and girls. If those black angus weren’t grazing the plains, other critters would be, I.e. mule deer, antelope, bison. The herds provides much needed fertilizer for the wild prairie grasses. People on the coasts think they are so smart they really just repeatedly expose their ignorance.

  2. As a retired over the road trucker I drove for a family owned meat packing company in El Paso, TX (around 1980) that bought cattle from Mexico, slaughtered and packaged that beef in El Paso and then shipped it to Golden State Foods in Atlanta, GA. Golden state was (at the time) McDonald’s primary source of everything they needed to stay in business in the Atlanta area (and nation wide) including everything from beef to napkins. BTW… some of those cows I saw could barely stand on their own four legs!

    I also picked up boxed frozen meat at the docks in L.A. that was shipped from Australia and went straight to Golden State. Don’t know what was in those boxes but they were labeled ‘Frozen Beef’.

    Then I learned through my drag racing experiences that the largest grower of potatoes in America (Larry Minor) supplied both the U.S Army and McDonald’s. Man, that’s a lot of potatoes, no?

    It’s been my experience that McDonald’s never grew a potato or raised a single cow. This musleem is a nut but is a classic example of the leadership of the democrat party.

  3. Hunh. I thought Robert Gibbs and CEO Steve Easterbrook were going to make McD’s the very model of progressivism. Time to introduce the Halal Meal, boys. That’ll mollify Imam Ellison.

  4. Chill man the McRib is also not real.
    She, wait what is it’s preferred pronoun?
    Has been in office long enough, should
    have a couple cash cows going for herself
    by now.

  5. I live in the heart of “cow country” (South Central Missouri) and where I buy steaks, &c., there’s a sign claiming that beef can come from mexico and/or canada.

    No explanation why we don’t get MO cattle.

    Keith Ellison’s a stooge – a stooge of nihilistic totalitarianism – a stooge of izlam – and a stooge of the DC power elite. He will mouth any imbecility he’s told, as long as he gets paid.

    izlamo delenda est …


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