Kellogg’s Donated $91 Million to BLM After Cutting Employee Benefits – IOTW Report

Kellogg’s Donated $91 Million to BLM After Cutting Employee Benefits


The Michigan-based cereal giant Kellogg’s donated a whopping $91 million to the far-left Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement after slashing employee benefits, according to a report from The Federalist.

Citing data published by the Claremont Institute, the outlet found that following the death of George Floyd in 2020, Kellogg’s launched the Racial Equity 2030 Global Challenge with an injection of $90 million in order to “fuel innovative and actionable solutions to build a racially equitable future.”

“As stewards of our children’s future, we must collectively face the primary challenge of our time: racial equity,” said W.K. Kellogg Foundation Trustee and Board Chair Cathann Kress in a promotional video.

In June 2020, the company also affirmed its commitment to “combatting racism” with a $1 million donation to the left-wing activist group NAACP.

“Kellogg Company’s $1 million grant complements the funding that the W.K. Kellogg Foundation provides to NAACP, including $1.15 million in 2020,” wrote Kellogg Company Chairman and CEO Steve Cahillane at the time. “NAACP is one of the many racial equity anchor organizations that WKKF supports.”

Meanwhile, the foundation’s website boasts that in October last year, “five awardees were named to receive a combined $80 million over the next eight years, concluding in 2030, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s 100th anniversary.”

The large donations came less than a year after employees went on strike over reports that the company had introduced a two-tiered benefits system, limited vacation days and enforced work weeks as long as 84 hours. more

17 Comments on Kellogg’s Donated $91 Million to BLM After Cutting Employee Benefits

  1. Snap, Crackle, and Fuck That Police?

    Tony sez; “KiLlll COPS!”

    A is for Apple, J is for Jack Your Ride?

    Count Blackula cereal?

    …and let’s not talk about what angry employees are “frosting” the flakes with NOW…

  2. “racial equity”

    No longer “racial equality” – because racial equality has been achieved, both in law and in society.
    “Racial equity” is one of those amorphous terms that involves shoveling money at race-hustling poverty-pimps and other assorted shit-bags and, of course, can never be overcome because it’s basically meaningless.

    Control the language; control the conversation – make it a monologue – a babble of words that sounds informed but make no sense – like a description of Venn diagrams by that well-known logician Kamel-Ho Harris.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I think Elon donated $100M to BLM, via Tesla.
    Everyone should be held accountable. But it does make a bigger difference when the company is cutting benefits vs. having plenty of profits.

  4. …you know, having been to MI and having worked in a few factories, I’m guessing that at least two or three of the employees they’ve screwed are Black?

    …so how do you think those Black employees like it that, instead of giving THEM the money they EARNED and maybe some kind of work/life balance, they instead give the money to a race hustler Marxist organization whose leaders steal it and buy manisons with it in multiple places instead?

    …just guessing that those manditory 80 hour weeks are the result of making Kelloggs suck so bad as an employer that they can’t get enough people to work there to cover all shifts and vacations and such, so they need to stretch the use of the ones they DO have.

    So maybe cut back on the equity spending on amorphous and entirely useless concepts and put some of those millions on the factory floor instead and maybe folks will want to work there so you don’t have to pay 40 hours overtime at Union rates to people who are pissed at being there and you wouldn’t have to steal their vacations to fill out your Production lines.

    Just sayin’.

  5. Kcir – Canadian Joker, Eh?
    MARCH 17, 2023 AT 9:54 AM
    “Once again proving its more profitable to beg than to work.”

    …except they aren’t begging, they are DEMANDING. If you don’t pay the “protection” they have a range of options from blacklisting you to boycotting you to screwing up your ESG score, fomenting problems with your minority work force while harassing your White workers, tell your Democrat union leaders to wildcat strike, having the myriad Democrat regulatory agencies that a food company MUST comply with suddenly feel the need to audit you with a proctoscope, and burn down your plant and even your city if all of the foregoing doesn’t work.

    And the illegitimate Democrat “government” will send police and troops to back THEM every step of the way, while having Democrat “judges” rule against you at every turn while the Democrat media doxxxes you and villifies you until your own Board of Directors turns you out and gives them the money anyway.

    The Mafia never had it so good.

  6. Go woke go broke. Here are some of their products I won’t be buying. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes® · Eggo® · MorningStar Farms® · Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain® · Pringles® just to name a few. Screw’m.

  7. When I was a kid, Kellogg’s was the premier employer in Battle Creek.

    They stopped caring for their employees somewhere in the 90s, so I’m not surprised.



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