Kellyanne and George Call it Quits – IOTW Report

Kellyanne and George Call it Quits

Pacific Pundit: I don’t know what took Kellyanne Conway so long, but she is finally divorce Lincoln Project nut job George Conway after 22 years of marriage. 

18 Comments on Kellyanne and George Call it Quits

  1. From the get-go, I liked Kellyanne. Her husband was a burr in her side and their kid too. He was an embarrassment. I bet Trump is elated. Good for Kellyanne.

  2. @Bob: The kid will hang in there for monetary reasons. The kid will drain dad dry first, hope she doesn’t do it to Kellyanne. Kellyanne tried to patch things up towards the end, the kid wasn’t having any of it. The parents created the monster, their burden now.

  3. He’s a jerk but he was her jerk and the father of her children. She’s a serious Catholic who goes (or did go?) to Mass daily and took her marriage vows seriously.

    It has been cringey to see such a capable and good woman publicly humiliated instead of honored and cherished by her husband. I hope she finds relief and joy in her personal life –and I can’t wait to see the energy and determination she will bring to the 2024 campaign without that eejit holding her back!

  4. Who gives a single solitary fuck about what these two do with their personal lives. Both part of the DC cesspool. Never trusted Kelly Ann Conway’s weathered face when she was part of President Trump’s team. How could anyone when she was married to that bloated sack of shit commie husband.

  5. Ms Conway married like most women do, as well as she could under the circumstances. Mr Conway married as most men do, she’s nearby and lets me hang out. They fulfilled their biological obligation and apparently let nature take its course on the parenting end of things.

    Both of them are representative of the deep state, the protoplasmic blob of poisonous parasitism that is our modern federal leviathan. Both live off the excessive quantities of our money taken at the point of the IRS Glock that slosh around northern Virginia way… one fattens, the other has work done… That such people exist in and around government is a disgrace to our fundamental governing principles.


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