Kellyanne Conway Describes Alleged Assault at Restaurant: She Was ‘Screaming Her Head Off’ – IOTW Report

Kellyanne Conway Describes Alleged Assault at Restaurant: She Was ‘Screaming Her Head Off’

WFB: White House counselor Kellyanne Conway alleges she was assaulted in a restaurant during the fall of 2018 while she was with her middle school-aged daughter and her daughter’s friends. A Maryland resident has been charged in the case.

Conway told CNN’s Dana Bash that a woman came toward her “screaming her head off” while dining in October at Uncle Julio’s, a Mexican restaurant in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Bethesda, Maryland. Authorities later identified the woman as Mary Elizabeth Inabinett, a 63-year-old Maryland resident.

“Somebody was grabbing me from behind, grabbing my arms, and was shaking me to the point where I felt maybe somebody was hugging me. As I turned around, it just felt weird. It felt like that’s a little aggressive and I turned around and the woman had grabbed my hips. She was just unhinged,” Conway said in an interview for an upcoming CNN’s series, “Badass Women of Washington.”

“She was out of control. I don’t even know how to explain her to you. She was just, her whole face was terror and anger. She was right here, and my daughter was right there. She ought to pay for that,” Conway continued.  more here

15 Comments on Kellyanne Conway Describes Alleged Assault at Restaurant: She Was ‘Screaming Her Head Off’

  1. This sort of thing usually results in minimal meaningful punishment. Maybe take anger management classes r something.

    We’ll see how this one turn out, I hope to see a reversal in the minimal punishment for political assault trend.

  2. That’s what the left is, loose nut balls. And those with half a brain always seem to justify the crazys doing this stuff and seem to promote it. You never hear the left bad mouthing their A hole supporters.

  3. Republicans in this administration that go into eateries should carry bear spray and use it freely from now on when confronted. That should put the brakes on the assholes quick.

  4. Her key to the city is being forged as we speak and the tickertape parade is awaiting the 63 year old’s probation only sentence.

    That’s Maryland after all. Washington D.C.’s lesbian step sister.


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