Kenneth Starr Memoir Takes Aim At Hillary – IOTW Report

Kenneth Starr Memoir Takes Aim At Hillary

DC: While Washington buzzes with the “palace intrigue” presented in Bob Woodward’s book, another book set to hit shelves on Tuesday sheds an unfriendly light on the Clinton administration, former first lady Hillary Clinton in particular.

Kenneth Starr’s memoir, “Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation,” reflects on the Whitewater investigation that clouded the Clinton White House for years and resulted in both the president and first lady being deposed. And Hillary’s deposition, according to Starr, almost led to perjury charges.

Of President Bill Clinton, Starr said that it was clear that he was not interested in helping the investigation, but he also noted the former president’s genial manner during their interviews: “Clinton bobbed and weaved, but was always pleasant as he avoided answering.”

Hillary Clinton’s deposition was another matter entirely, according to Starr, who claimed that the number of times the former first lady answered questions with some variation of “I do not recall” strained credulity.

“In the space of three hours, she claimed, by our count, over a hundred times that she ‘did not recall’ or ‘did not remember.’ This suggested outright mendacity. To be sure, human memory is notoriously fallible, but her strained performance struck us as preposterous,” Starr began.  more here

12 Comments on Kenneth Starr Memoir Takes Aim At Hillary

  1. 9Coward. If he went after her for perjury, the last 20 years of Hillary would not have happened. No Senate seat. No Obama. No Secretary of State. No presidential run. No selling our secrets for Foundation bribes.

    All because Starr did not want to prosecute her for perjury. Something she would go on to do again and again and again.

    A lot of people died because of her security lapses and she still waddles free complaining about womens pay gaps in her pussy hat and undermining our system at every turn.

  2. I still remember it on Rush. Was it Paul Shanklin? I think so….

    “Try to remember when you were a member of Rose Law Firm and handled Whitewater.”

    “I don’t remember, my brain’s in a blender, it’s jello, jello, jello, jello….”

  3. All because he was too cowardly to prosecute the way indep councils prosecute republicans.

    Which means hit then with so much stuff that they’ll beg for a plea deal or go broke and have their lives ruined.

    That’s how it’s done and he didn’t have the stones to do it.

    That’s why every republican admitted to their crimes. It was too costly to fight it.

    Thanks a lot, starr, you good for absolutely nothing.

  4. Hillary knows how the lawyering game is played. Every word she’s ever uttered under oath skirts the boundaries of perjury. Everything else she says is a lie. Even when it doesn’t matter she lies to keep in practice.

  5. @Cliche Guevara September 11, 2018 at 8:59 am

    > If he went after her for perjury, the last 20 years of Hillary would not have happened.

    Yeah. Because impeaching Bill was such a “show” stopper.
    And family’s off limits. Right, Don?

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