Kenosha County Board Supervisor: We saw ‘failure’ in leadership at the top – IOTW Report

Kenosha County Board Supervisor: We saw ‘failure’ in leadership at the top

Zach Rodriguez says Kenosha residents would welcome President Trump’s visit.

7 Comments on Kenosha County Board Supervisor: We saw ‘failure’ in leadership at the top

  1. gird yer loins ladies, we’re in for a very bumpy ride

    “in the Soros and Obama training, none of this is by accident. They know which White People to target, meaning there are operatives lists and photos. With Kyle Rittenhouse on the scene the day before, it is a reality that he was selected out of the group of defenders, as everyone has seen this kid, in he looks like he belongs on Leave it to Beaver Kyle Rittenhouse was set up
    Somewhere in this in the NSA files and the FBI Stingray grabs are photos by ANTIFA of the defenders and the consensus that Kyle Rittenhouse was to be targeted. I am certain that this child was seen, photographed and the decision was made to attack him.”

  2. not in my backyard

    NO. The reason Kyle Rittenhouse was targeted is because he is 5’4″. The smallest guy there. The guy with the explodey head that attacked him first was 5’6″. Pussies usually don’t attack someone larger than they are. Lamecherry is properly named. These people are cowards and Kyle looked like any easy mark.

  3. I don’t think he was targeted. I’ve watched every video I can find and watched one that showed what caused them to start chasing him and him ending up killing the midget child rapist. They set a dumpster fire, I’m sure to burn shit with, he came in with a fire extinguisher and put it out, this enraged them and they came after him.
    He was all alone, an easy target and obviously very stupid people thought they could overpower him and kill him with his own gun, thinking he wouldn’t shoot. These same ignorant people thought the same thing after he already proved he would fire his gun.

    I’m not one of those who have a problem with citizens going in to protect cities against these terrorists, but for those that do let this be a lesson, don’t mingle among them. Stay in groups and never give them the advantage. The worst part of going to protect cities though is the state or city you’re in. If it’s ran by democrats, doesn’t have strong self defense laws, they will lock you in jail.

    Whatever you do though do not do as the Patriot Prayer member did and go into one of these shit holes only armed with pepper/bear/wasp spray.


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