Kenosha Police: 102 of 175 Criminal Arrests are From Outside Agitators – IOTW Report

Kenosha Police: 102 of 175 Criminal Arrests are From Outside Agitators

The Kenosha Wisconsin Police Department released an interesting media statement today highlighting that 60 percent of the Biden Rioters arrested are agitators who traveled from outside the area: STORY AT CTH

9 Comments on Kenosha Police: 102 of 175 Criminal Arrests are From Outside Agitators

  1. It won’t happen, and while I no I shouldn’t, but I can dream can’t I – of someone going Dirty Harry on them asking for the names of who is paying their wages and travel expenses.

  2. The Prosecutors and Judges have the ability to put an end to this through bail requirements that will insure their return for trial.

    Bail requirements that are high enough that no one will be willing to put them up themselves and anyone doing it for them will not be allow them to skip out and lose it.

    But it seems like the prosecutors are averse to this idea and prefer to just let them go and do it again and again until someone somewhere ends up dead because of it.

  3. A group Kamela asked for support in tweet just laid out $355,000 for a rioter’s bail. And 2 more that came to over a 1/4 million. So the bail is high but these scum are well funded.

    This is all or break for them. Millions are being spent to foment these riots and looting. Funny thing is, despite a media that is so in the tank for “peaceful protests” normal people on both sides aren’t buying it.

    The left seems to put their foot in it constantly. Dianny nailed it as Operation Backfire. If you keep doing the same thing expecting different results, what’s that called?

  4. @MMinAR

    Set the bail even higher still^^^^^^^

    Clooney, Milano, Rogen, Teigen, Carrel, Cheadle…
    This might be a great way to help pay down the debt.

    Go Further, make them responsible for the cost if someone they bailed out damages something before their trial.

  5. They should be picked up by the Marshal’s and taken to Federal holding. Out sight and out of service until Nov. 4, then have a trial. Keeping the foot soldiers on the ground. Probably the same reason they were released from prisons.


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