Kentucky: Clueless Dem Congressional candidate wants amnesty for every illegal – IOTW Report

Kentucky: Clueless Dem Congressional candidate wants amnesty for every illegal

DC: A Democratic Congressional candidate from Kentucky has announced his desire for every illegal immigrant in the country to be granted amnesty in a statement on Monday.

“I am calling for action to help the millions of undocumented people already working in our communities, serving in our military and raising families by granting amnesty,” said congressional hopeful Hank Linderman, according to the Louisville Courier Journal.


Linderman’s policy idea would provide any “qualified” illegal immigrant who is still in the United States by July 4, 2019, with amnesty.  more here

3 Comments on Kentucky: Clueless Dem Congressional candidate wants amnesty for every illegal

  1. So amnesty for anyone who enters the country illegally from the beginning of time till July 4th 2019? Why that date? What about those coming in after that date and how would you know what date they walked in on? Do they qualify? Or the next month or year? What about criminals, mentally ill, diseased? Who pays, who loses jobs to them?? Just what does Linderman’s “qualified” cover and what happens if their not “qualified”? What keeps them from rushing the border and pouring in by the millions? Oh, wait you don’t have any controls in place? Just how will that work out. I call BS – no wall – no mandatory entry/exit points, no mandatory registration by date, no fingerprinting, no punishment for those who don’t register, no plan B, C or D – no way. Duh.


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