Kentucky couple under house arrest after testing positive for COVID-19 – IOTW Report

Kentucky couple under house arrest after testing positive for COVID-19

ABC13: LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — A Kentucky couple is under house arrest after one of them tested positive for coronavirus and refused to sign self-quarantine papers.

Elizabeth Linscott got tested for COVID-19 because she was planning to go visit her parents.

“My grandparents wanted to see me, too, so, just to make sure that, you know, if I tested negative, that they would be okay, everything would be fine,” Linscott said.

After testing positive but without showing any symptoms, Linscott said the health department contacted her, requesting she sign documents.

“I agreed to comply to call the Health Department if I was to go. I was to call the Health Department if I was to leave my house for any reason,” she said.

But, she chose not to sign.

“I had gotten a message from them, a text message that stated, because of your refusal to sign, this is going to be escalated, and law enforcement will be involved,” she said.

Later that week, the county sheriff greeted Linscott’s husband, Isaiah, at their front door.

“I open up the door, and there’s like eight different people, five different cars, and I’m like ‘what the heck’s going on?’ This guy’s in a suit with a mask. It’s the Health Department guy, and they have three papers for us. For me, her and my daughter,” he said. more

26 Comments on Kentucky couple under house arrest after testing positive for COVID-19

  1. So you can now be illegally confined in this country because you have the Flu. Incredible! I’m living in a nation with a population losing its collective mind. A nation of servile sheep surrendering their Constitutional rights to out of control government’s (federal, state, local) without so much as a whimper.

    I’m sick of seeing all the gutless wonders still wearing their stupid dust masks.

    I have not complied and I will not comply!

  2. In case anyone here hasn’t already figured this out, getting tested puts you in a database that you do NOT want to be in. If you’re feeling ill then go ahead, but DO NOT go for any other reason without knowing the full implications of what the damned govt can do to you if you’re positive.

  3. I am waiting for a “vaccine” to be developed and the authorities to require everyone to get one. Knowing that I have had a very serious reaction every time I have had a flu shot, I am certain that such a vaccine would literally kill me.

    I plan on telling them to engage in self intercourse.

  4. Hey bitter klinger,

    This shit is not funny. This is our country going away and you make gestapo jokes. You’re an asshole. Start taking this shit seriously, this is what is in store for all of us. Innocent citizens being turned into criminals, you should be stone cold terrified instead of making bad jokes.

  5. So, this is “due process of law” in the State of Kentucky?

    Looks like tyranny to me. Treated like a banded sex offender, threatened and monitored for having “tested positive” and refusing to sign a piece of paper. Guilty by reason of refusing.

  6. There has to be a hot shot lawyer looking to make a name for themselves out there somewhere that would take a pro bono case for deprivation of civil liberties. This family should sue every agency in KY to make a point.

  7. were they wearing jack-boots and brown shirts?

    did they give the raised open-handed salute of nazi’s everywhere when they spoke of their “health” dept. masters unconstitutional diktats against her and her family?

    I would greet them through the front door with a hearty fuck you and go away if you know what’s good for you because if this BS is not stopped now just wait until the bill gates sponsored vaccines are ready and it is made mandatory that you get one…. otherwise you will NOT be allowed into any store, government building, or anyplace where people gather without having your “papers” proving you got down on your knees and paid homage to satan by allowing them to poison you with the virus for your own good and for the “safety of the children”…. their favorite go-to excuse for you giving up your rights.

  8. We have 3 family members who are Licensed or Registered Nurses.
    Due to employer concerns, they are required to test for C-19 every 2 weeks. 2 of the 3 “Tested” Positive demanded an 2nd test which said they were NOT infected? Results 4 days Downtime and a lot of family stress for nothing?

    Last I was able to dig up was 26.9% of all non-hospital conducted testing (free testing) produced a false positive.

  9. 675,000+ people have died from AIDS in the United States. I am wondering why wasn’t this epidemic wasn’t treated with the same draconian measures?

  10. You’re probably already in the database if you’ve typed the words covid, cough or fever into google or any of the statist social media platforms.

  11. I give blood to the Red Cross. They are sending me emails stating the if I give blood by a certain date, it will be tested for Covid-19 (for free). They don’t say who gets the results other than me.

    I have decided to pass until this is over.

  12. Tinpot dictators and the bureaucratic state. There were some minor checks and balances in place before this virus came out, but now they have complete control and they are going to exercise that power to its fullest while they can.

  13. RadioMattM JULY 19, 2020 AT 2:11 AM

    “I am waiting for a “vaccine” to be developed and the authorities to require everyone to get one. Knowing that I have had a very serious reaction every time I have had a flu shot, I am certain that such a vaccine would literally kill me.

    I plan on telling them to engage in self intercourse.”


    I have the same issue with the flu vaccine and I will not take it anymore. And I am shamed every year when my work offers them for free. I will not be taking Fuckie’s vaccine when it becomes available.

    I also don’t wear a mask and I and everyone around me is fine.

  14. If you are seeking answers on how this Socialist totalitarian bullshit could be happening, look no further than Kentucky’s Governor.

    KY’s GOVERNOR IS A DEMOCRAT PARTY THUG. And you can be damn sure he’s down with the struggle to oust Trump by hyping The ‘Rona

  15. Again, if you plan to vote in person on 11/3, be prepared for a temperature check, and possibly a certification of a negative covid test within the previous 72 hours. And the mask requirement goes without saying.

    Also, if you haven’t voted in a primary or special election this year, do not be surprised that the nice old folks from your precinct who used to run the polls are not there. They have been scared off by Covid, Inc. and replaced by young, hastily-trained, paid workers from elsewhere.

    I’m already making my next moves to be out of reach after the Final Election. They are not going to let up if Trump wins. Indeed, it will get worse. And we all know what will happen if Biden wins.


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