Kentucky Democrat reportedly jokes about Rand Paul assault: ‘He can be beaten’ – IOTW Report

Kentucky Democrat reportedly jokes about Rand Paul assault: ‘He can be beaten’

FOX: Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes reportedly joked on Friday about the assault on Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., by his neighbor, saying it shows ‘he can be beaten’.

Associated Press reporter Adam Beam tweeted that Democrat Grimes made the remark at a local Fancy Farm Picnic in Kentucky on Friday, which Kentucky political candidates often use as the kickoff for election campaigns. Grimes is considering running for governor in 2019.

“Alison Lundergan Grimes on Rand Paul: ‘Just ask his neighbor. He can be beaten.’” Beam tweeted.

Grimes’ remark sparked a response from Paul’s chief strategist Doug Stafford, who made a reference to Grimes’ failed 2014 Senate run, where she attempted to unseat Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.“That’s almost as sad and pathetic as her last campaign,” he said. “Mitch beat her so bad he almost got charged with a hate crime.”  MORE

6 Comments on Kentucky Democrat reportedly jokes about Rand Paul assault: ‘He can be beaten’

  1. @Aaron Burr August 4, 2018 at 8:31 pm

    Mr. Burr, I’ve seen the pictures. That is NOT funny. Not funny, at all.

    (Unless you’re Austin Powers. And, even then, it’s only funny after.)


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