Kentucky’s Democrat governor says he doesn’t support sex-change operations for minors – IOTW Report

Kentucky’s Democrat governor says he doesn’t support sex-change operations for minors

JTN: Kentucky Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear says he doesn’t support “gender affirming care” for minors, saying those operations don’t happen in Kentucky. 

Beshear said this in response to an ad from Kentucky GOP Attorney General Daniel Cameron, who is his opponent in the upcoming 2023 gubernatorial election. 

In an ad titled “Parents,” Beshear said that Cameron’s claims that he supports sex change operations for minors are not true.

“Andy Beshear has always been clear that he does not support gender reassignment surgery for minors – which doesn’t happen in Kentucky,” Beshear’s campaign manager, Eric Hyers, said in a statement, according to Fox News

“Daniel Cameron and his allies are pushing a blatantly false attack because they know they can’t win talking about Cameron’s record, which includes supporting cuts to teacher pensions and backing schemes to divert money out of our public schools,” the statement continued.

Cameron’s campaign team said that Beshear’s statement was untrue.  

“Andy Beshear supports sex-change surgeries for kids because he vetoed the bill banning them in March,” campaign worker and Republican Party of Kentucky spokesman Sean Southard said in a statement, according to Fox News. MORE

8 Comments on Kentucky’s Democrat governor says he doesn’t support sex-change operations for minors

  1. It’s a pretty easy choice for Kentuckians.
    The republican is promising making Kentucky the 8th state to be state-tax free.
    When I lived there, the KY revenue agents were like the Gestapo.

    Only a fucking moron would vote to keep a state tax.

  2. “… gender reassignment surgery for minors – which doesn’t happen in Kentucky,”

    Why was it banned? Why are the perverts and child-molesters crying about the ban?

    Somebody’s a fukkin liar.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The Kentucky legislators voted to ban child sex mutilation.
    Beshear vetoed the ban. The legislators overrode Beshear’s veto.
    Beshear supports allowing male students to compete against females.

  4. Classic democrat liar. Vetoed two related bills when it mattered. Now he’s just pandering. “Don’t believe my actions…believe what I tell you.”


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