Kerry Gore 2020? – IOTW Report

Kerry Gore 2020?


NTK Network has established that Democrats are facing the unsatisfactory choice of either geriatrics or a “free-for-all” in their 2020 presidential primary.

A new Axios report just made it worse, though (emphasis ours):

Breaking the potential candidates into formal tiers at this point would be silly. But here are groupings that emerged with our conversations with veterans of past Democratic presidential campaigns, as well as younger operatives likely to be involved in the 2020 campaign:

The classics: Joe Biden, John Kerry, Al Gore, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.

Yes, you read that right. Someone – or multiple people – in the Democratic Party think that 2004 presidential nominee John Kerry and 2000 presidential nominee Al Gore are strong choices to challenge Donald Trump in 2020.

Some think the Democratic Party is struggling to move on from the Clinton and Obama eras, but going further back in time doesn’t seem like a real solution.


32 Comments on Kerry Gore 2020?

  1. Whatshername : That Exactly, Without The Loserman Was What I Was Going Say !
    I Was Thinking Bumper Sticker Though ,” Verry Sore ” With A Depiction –
    Sore Gore On All Fours (apple in mouth) Smiling Perversly !
    Verry Kerry Riding His Ass Like a Muslim on a Goat !!!

  2. Oh please, pretty please, keep running proven losers.
    President Trump kicked 16, 21 if you scrape the bottom of the barrel, RINOs asses. (pun intended)
    New blood, the dynasty has become inbred, let’s get on with the blood letting.

  3. Waters/Lee “2020” — (not the year, the “IQIQ”)
    Maxine and her “separated at birth” twin Sheila Jackson.

    I’d donate $20 — the soundbites alone would be priceless!

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