Kerry Lowers The Boom On Putin – IOTW Report

Kerry Lowers The Boom On Putin


Sec of State Kerry

WASHINGTON (WNB) – Sec. of State John Kerry finally answered critics on Monday by outlining retaliatory steps the administration is threatening to take against Russia. The statement is the strongest yet from the United States:

In the face of Russian aggression toward the peaceful, sovereign nation of Ukraine, the United States has little choice but to respond in kind. With unwavering resolve, I am announcing the following actions we will reluctantly take, unless Russia immediately withdraws its military forces from all areas of Ukraine:



26 Comments on Kerry Lowers The Boom On Putin

  1. 6. President Obama will hold his breath until he turns red. No wait, he already is. Until he turns purple – no, his lips already are. Aww shit, until he passes out. Hillary beat him to that one. I’m out of ideas.

  2. Insert your favorite horse with the long face joke here. And I really doubt that Vlad’s scared of this incompetent nitwit. It’s not like Kerry or Barry are like Jengis Khan with a swarm of the Mongol hordes at their ready to kick Vlad’s butt.

  3. The Russian resolve to maintain control of ports in Ukraine on and around the Crimean peninsula is not going to be broken by anything the US nor EU can muster, even if someone worth a shit was in charge. The best they can do is broker a deal whereby Russia maintains control of the Black Sea ports in the Ukraine in return for more Ukrainian autonomy provided that Russian gas keeps flowing to the EU over Ukrainian territory. The new Ukrainian government should consider themselves lucky if they can get that.

    Russia’s actions in the Crimea are not a whole lot different than US actions in Panama back in ’89. All this “human rights” talk is a load of crap, since if Russia didn’t control the Crimea, the crazy rag head locals would, and screw that.

  4. CNN missed a golden moment to add torches and pitchforks to the hands of the Ukrainian citizens following him during his “field guidance” inspection tour of Independence Square. As Lurch said, “it was moving”….uggghhh.

  5. The US usually tries to position itself as the bastion of freedom fighting the foes of the little guy whenever it confronts one of the other overpowering governments on this earth. Yet, with our present leadership and direction, how will they do this? We are more communistic than the Russians.

  6. Correct me if I’m wrong.

    I’m so tired of the BS set forth by the repubes (including a monologue by Hanity) that Obummer hasn’t read the Commies correctly because Obummer is living in a world that should work according to his beliefs.

    I’m calling BS. He’ was raised a Commie. He is a Commie, and whatever Putin is doing is fine with him. He knows the Commies are evil. He’s cut of the same cloth. The right is making excuses for the commie in the WH.

  7. I’m guessing that Putin sized up the boy in mom jeans pretty quickly, and there has been nothing to change that assessment.

    This is worldwide Opera Bouffe, with Obama playing the Naked Emperor and Kerry portraying the Prancing Pony.

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