Kerry Subpoenaed – IOTW Report

Kerry Subpoenaed


Secretary of State John Kerry has been subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee after new revelations this week about the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi. The State Department has been accused of “illegally withholding subpoenaed material” from Congress, action that could “constitute a criminal offense.” Kerry is expected under the subpoena to testify at a May 21 hearing on Capitol Hill and the “The State Department’s response to the congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack has shown a disturbing disregard for the Department’s legal obligations to Congress,” Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa wrotes in aletter to Secretary Kerry.


17 Comments on Kerry Subpoenaed

  1. I’d love to watch Lerch walk in on CSPAN and sit down before the committe and say “You Rang?”

    The downside is that Kerry is a long winded buffoon who will be asked a simple question and then speak like a faux intellectual elite for 20 minutes and not say one thing that remotely answers the question.

  2. If you haven’t already please consider calling Boehner’s office (I know! I know!) to ask that there a special investigation on the coverup and lies on Benghazi The dead and wounded deserve it particularly after Obam’a’s national Security speaker (Tom Vietor) said about the lies and coverup, “Dude, that was like two years ago!” I just called.

    Office of the Speaker H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-0600 Fax: (202) 225-5117 –

  3. “…Yesterday, retired USAF Brig. Gen. Robert Lovell, who was in the operations control room in Germany on the night of the attacks, testified that the State Department never asked military forces to go save Americans in Benghazi during the attack…”

    The State Department, under the control of Killary Madman Klinton. Feel that drip, Killary? Drip, drip, drip.

    Dittos Uncle Al, but I’d like to baptize Killary, ala Sarah Palin style, too.

  4. Stirrin’

    I was very frustrated with the plodding nature of Issa’s investigation, but as we approach the election this fall, now I’m starting to dig the timing.

  5. Lots of people in the @mafiaorg. that is D.C. have been subpoenaed in the last five+ years…who’s been indicted for anything?

    GWB wrangled essentially unlimited powers to the Executive under certain conditions (to summoned at the push of a button), and then handed the keys to the entire store over to a revolutionary communist tyrant who has continued most of his programs, and extended many of them.

  6. Apparently nothing happens until the lamestream media says it does. This is enormously frustrating since there have always been plenty of people who knew this was investigation-worthy from the start. Don’t they count? Soetoro’s WH should have been investigated for leaning on Greta VS and others at FOX for reporting on it (and threatening them). Sheryl Attkinson (sp?) already told us that CBS was threatening her for investigating the story. What the hell gives? Everyone talks about the WH emails being ‘the’ smoking gun (ooooooooooo), but there were plenty of smoking guns from the very beginning. So why does CNN, MSNBC, CBS, et al, determine what is legally actionable.

    And now Boehner, of all people, is getting out front and trying to make it look like parade. He’s such a pol. Good grief.

  7. First, it’s going to be entertaining to watch Kerry throw Killary under the bus.

    Second, I’m amazed at the testimony of Brig. Gen. Robert Lovell that the military was not asked to intervene since Obama gave that Denver television interview in which he said he gave the order to “Make sure we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to.”

    Third, let’s get the survivors, who have been under gag orders and forced to take polygraphs to prevent them from testifying, in front of Congress and under oath to find out what they know.

  8. …lets hook him up to a lie detector, and then 220 volts, so when he lies? well you know…..ZZZAAAAPPPP!! and very soon you will hear the MOST TRUTH EVER!!!

  9. They won’t get a thing from Lurch, if he even shows up.
    I’m not saying they should stop trying, but nothing will ever come from these lame “committees”. The most that will happen is everyone in the Obama administration will be found in contempt of Congress. After-which Obama will just declare executive privilege like he already did with Eric Dickholder.

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