Kerry tells French TV viewers that Biden was ‘literally’ not aware of the deal that caused France to recall its ambassador to the United States – IOTW Report

Kerry tells French TV viewers that Biden was ‘literally’ not aware of the deal that caused France to recall its ambassador to the United States

American Thinker:

By Thomas Lifson

A stunning admission from an administration insider that the President of The United States is clueless and out of touch on some of the most important strategic issues of the day was delivered to a French television audience by former Secretary of State and current presidential special envoy for climate John F. Kerry.

Last month, France recalled its ambassador to the United States in reaction to the secret negotiation of a military alliance called AUKUS (Australia, UK, and the US) that resulted in the cancellation of a gigantic (estimates as high as $66 billion) contract for Australia to buy French diesel submarines (to be assembled in Australia, but generating many jobs in France). Instead, Australia will use American nuclear technology and push back the entry in service of the new submarine fleet by several years. The alliance that excluded France and devastated employment in its defense industries caught the French by surprise. One might think that a new strategic alliance with a huge negative impact on our oldest ally might be something that POTUS ought to know about. more

15 Comments on Kerry tells French TV viewers that Biden was ‘literally’ not aware of the deal that caused France to recall its ambassador to the United States

  1. As a former college professor, the word “literally” is in my top 10 words / phrases that I hate. Included on the list:
    – “So”, followed by the actual sentence
    – “In the real world”, just because the viewpoint is different does not mean their world isn’t real

  2. At least he didn’t send James Taylor again.

    And France, you had your chance to put the old horse down when he was meeting with the Iranians is Paris to arrange the delivery of those pallets of cash.

    You may have to suffer the indignity of our mentally-challenged President’s cluelessness now, but you wouldn’t have had to deal with Lurch if you’d done the right thing long ago.

  3. RogerF, that “So” thing irks the hell out of me. Yet everybody does it now, and I guarantee that nobody over thirty ever said it ten years ago. I guess it’s the Millennial replacement for “Well…” and the oldsters are saying “So” to be “with it”.

  4. Stunning! Shocking! Outrageous! Unbelievably honest! Down right hilarious. Embarrassingly truthful. The Frenchies are getting a taste of what happens when a senile political has been who never was gets installed like one of those pissotières in Paris, the city of public urinals and light.

  5. Why do you think Trump was removed and Joe Biden installed in the presidency? Trump was actively fighting against the deep state bureaucracy that rules over us no different than a monarchy. Joe Biden is it dementia addled old fool who is the perfect spokesman for the mediocrity that is our political class overlords.

  6. Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the moisturizing-metrosexual, Jihad Coddling, precognitive-Global Warming Meteorologist didn’t have the balls to tell ’em Jackass Joe doesn’t have the brains to get a headache!

  7. AH! It appears that the one positive act of the FJB “administration” – Australia gets to buy modern nuke powered subs from us rather than out dated diesel powered subs from France – was an accident. No surprise…

  8. Did Mr. Heinz-Kerry explain to the frogs that diesel submarines add to global CO2 levels, causing more global warming? (as he flies back and forth in his private fossil-fueled jet ). If only the French had paid their carbon credits!


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