Kerry Tells Israel To Pick Being Democratic Or Jewish — ‘It Cannot Be Both’ – IOTW Report

Kerry Tells Israel To Pick Being Democratic Or Jewish — ‘It Cannot Be Both’


I cannot wait until this horse-faced moron packs his feed bag and gets the hell out of DC.

john kerry idiot

DC: John Kerry stated Wednesday that if Israel chooses to remain a singular state with Palestine, “it cannot be both” Jewish and democratic.

“There are a similar number of Jews and Palestinians living between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea,” Kerry explained. “They have a choice.”

“They can choose to live together in one state or they can separate into two states.”

“Here is a fundamental reality,” the outgoing Secretary of State added. “If the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, but it cannot be both.”

“It won’t ever really be at peace.”


33 Comments on Kerry Tells Israel To Pick Being Democratic Or Jewish — ‘It Cannot Be Both’

  1. Now if they were an islamic state we would the sending them plane loads of cash, in whatever foreign denomination they wanted. Or, if they were an island nation in the tropics that imprisoned their people and stole everything worth stealing for their own use they could welcome that.

  2. After it came out that the Obama administration lied and manipulated the press leading up to the Iran deal Kerry retracted nothing he had said. Rather he kept up the boring blather as if nothing happened. He is like a cartoon character of a clueless politician.

  3. in their upside down world, liberals are always on the wrong side of history

    these are the same people who say the crusades were unjust

    they don’t comprehend evil, justice, or god himself, and there is no remedy for their blindness

  4. This idiot must not know that Israel actually has Arab Israelis and some that sever in the Kenessit. Oh, the PA dream of the day that they will have their state and the plans call for it to be Judenfrei.

    Why the secular Jews give such devotion to the left is beyond me. Obama, the Clintons and Kerry would send them to the ovens if they thought it would ensure a double term.

  5. As I recall, didn’t Hitler have a problem with that whole “Jewish” thing? So what are the next steps Mr. Kerry? Perhaps a solution, a final solution…

    And they call Trump Hitler?

  6. Yet another massive cow-flop from Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, dumbed-down, Jihad Coddling, precognitive Global Warming Meteorologist and hung like a field mouse, Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune, who couldn’t pour the wizz out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel, is setting up a Red Herring falacy as a pretext to war. While some people are thankful that there are only a few more day unill Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, lazy, vactioning, sarcastic, petty, fundamentally-transforming, maladroit, narcissistic, corrupt, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, ankle-grabbing-flexible, records-hiding, Communist-Organizing, Marxist Muzlim Mallard (disguised as a Black man) leaves the White House, keep in mind desparate men do desparate things. As the clock runs down I fear that this administration fully intends on delivering Israel to the Mindless, Murdering Muzlim Maniacs who have publicly stated they will wipe Israel off the face of the Earth! I’ll start breathing again when we get past January 20th and we have a real leader in place!

  7. On the Jan 21st, at midnight John Kerry’s office should be locked and armed guards put out in place denying any entry. At 6:00 AM the new SecState should arrive with his team as well as a lawyer (to protect Kerry’s rights). They should start to go through every piece of paper in his office as well as any file and mail on his computer. When Kerry arrives he should be politely told to sit on a chair in the outer office and no other questions answered. After four or five hours The new Sec State should come out with the lawyer brought in to represent Kerry. The new SecState should introduce himself and indicate that he is beginning the process of briefing himself on both the job and what Kerry has been doing. The lawyer can hand over whatever personal items have been found during the search and tells Kerry that anything else will be sent to him but for now, unless notified there is no other reason for him to be back in the office. At this point he’s escorted to HR to turn in all of his passes or any other government property and to account for the rest. He signs is separation papers and is escorted to the front sidewalk.

  8. Every desperate measure they are taking to show just what jackasses they can be, illustrates exactly why they LOST EVERYTHING.
    Trump’s popularity is going up and obama’s is headed down faster than a broken elevator, if the truth could be known.

    America will be joyously celebrating its freedom on, January 20th.

  9. 23 more days, but who’s counting.

    I convinced another shoe or two are about to drop between now and January 20. The mega-vindictive, MB-loving pretender who swore to uphold the Constitution and the office of POTUS 8 years ago isn’t finished.

  10. They waited until the last thirty days to pull this betrayal of Israel, because they knew if they had done it earlier it would have cost them money and support from Liberal Jewish Democrats. Obama and Powers have wanted to do this from their first days in office. This is nothing compared with allowing Iran to have access to everything the Mad Mullahs need to get atomic weapons.

  11. If we apply the Obama-Kerry concept of democracy to the USA, then surely we cannot be a democracy (in their dreams) for we have different religions (Christians,Jews, Muslims, Buddhists,etc.) and ethnicities living in one country. What poppycock!!! This whole administration has been/is an attempt to transform us from western Judeo-Christian principles to pro islamic and anti- capitalistic welfare state.. The AXIS of EVIL is headquartered in Washington,DC.

  12. I’ve never seen a lame duck session so vigilantly warlike before, during Christmas & New Years? He’s in Hawaii and he’s trying to rip apart Israel? Let’s throw O into a fucking lava floe. I wanna see his face explode.

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