Kevin de Leon Is An Idiot – IOTW Report

Kevin de Leon Is An Idiot

Los Angeles City Council Democrat butchers Pledge of Allegiance. The gaffe is not the first for Kevin de Leon.

This idiot is culturally un-American, and anti-Constitution.
Always was, always will be.

15 Comments on Kevin de Leon Is An Idiot

  1. Saying he botched the pledge does not do it justice, you have to hear it for yourself to truly understand the magnitude of his performance;

    But being a politician, he has stooges on the payroll that will shill for him;

    “Sadly, there’s thousands of kids in his district who are doing the pledge and they’re at risk of being homeless,” Brown continued. “He’s thinking about that.”

  2. Since I’m semi-retired, am thinking of visiting this moron in person after I prepare next season’s garden. Have a few friends in Monterey out there who asked me over to “Marmolize” this human piece of shit discrediting their beloved California…and I do not care about dying at 75. I’ve seen this beautiful country to my fullest!

    I’m real good at “Marmolizing”.

  3. What ails you guys??……ridiculing him like you are.
    Can anyone here recite the Chinese Pledge of Allegiance? Or the Russian Pledge?
    Give him a break. He’s obviously not from here.

  4. “This is a ‘ghost gun. This right here has the ability with a .30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second. Thirty, magazine, clip, in half a second,” ~ Kevin de Leon

  5. I pledge alleginces to the chicken pluckers of mexico & the meth lords of whom they represent. With vaseline and roofies for all…

    You know how it goes, the rest of it…

  6. Kcir (cause I give a kcuf) January 27, 2021 at 9:36 pm

    You win the internet today! I thought he looked pretty smarmy, but couldn’t decide why. You nailed it!!!

    Thanks for the laugh!

  7. Can someone help me, anyone? I’m stuck in the awful state of CA, where almost all the politicians are complete losers. They eat out when we couldn’t, tell people to
    ‘Make a scene” around republicans, get their hair cut and blame the salon, tell people to stay home and stay safe, as our numbers went up because we stayed home !

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