Kevin Invites Greasy Joe to Drop By for the Annual Ritual Spreading of Manure – IOTW Report

Kevin Invites Greasy Joe to Drop By for the Annual Ritual Spreading of Manure

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Kevin McCarthy, newly elected herder of cats, and vanquisher of screaming banshees and lying treasonist democrats, officially invited the pretend President to come by the people’s House Chamber Tuesday evening to show off his vast orator skills and attempt publicly to do his constitutional duty to report to congress ‘The State of the Union’.  Or as better known to long time DMFers as the ‘Ritual Spreading of Manure’, a tiresome exercise in political exhibitionism, the most execrable ceremony in the nation’s civic liturgy, regardless of which party’s leader is abusing it. MORE

10 Comments on Kevin Invites Greasy Joe to Drop By for the Annual Ritual Spreading of Manure

  1. McCarthy revealed his POS-ness by saying Ashli was NOT murdered and that the affirmative action hire, “Did his job”. At this point my expectations are so low I’m not even paying attention to him anymore.

    Not only will I not be watching the lie-fest, I will not be listening to analysis of the lie-fest. Unless he drops a pantload in his shorts, tries to shake hands with the lectern, or calls Kamala,”Mommy”, I’m not interested.

  2. Different Tim
    I agree, I have to shut it down a couple hour before bed time.
    I’ve also awakened in the middle of the night and had my brain starts spinning.
    If he gets up there and tells the truth, they would end the broadcast in 15 sec.

  3. The only thing noteworthy like,”half the women in his administration are women” will be here and a few other sites, So I’ll wait.
    BTW, the other half want to be women too.


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