Kevin McCarthy Is Just The Tip Of The RINO Iceberg – IOTW Report

Kevin McCarthy Is Just The Tip Of The RINO Iceberg


Last night in the Georgia GOP Senate debates, David Perdue began his opening statement with some truth: “First off, let me be very clear tonight: the election in 2020 was rigged and stolen in Georgia.” One problem: Republicans ran the 2020 Presidential elections in Georgia.

To our readers this comes as no surprise, and House minority leader Kevin McCarthy’s recent spectacular downfall isn’t an isolated event. We remember Liz Cheney. In fact, it was comrade Cheney who was on the other end of McCarthy’s damning phone call giving him advice! We said it in our last article: many Republicans are to blame for the mess we are in.

This week, while the rest of the country was watching McCarthy’s abrupt fall from grace, we all missed RINOs in Tennessee seizing the opportunity to remove Trump-endorsed House candidate Morgan Ortagus from the ballot. Don’t forget, this is the same Tennessee Republican Party brass that is trying to legalize child marriages in the state. Yup, you read that right. read more

11 Comments on Kevin McCarthy Is Just The Tip Of The RINO Iceberg

  1. He’s a lying sack of crap. Trying now to kiss President Trumps arse to get back on his good side after stabbing him in the back.

    He and McConnell need to go.

  2. WRONG! It was BUSH REaPUBLICANS that ran the election. GWB has a long history of fighting aginst conservatives!

    I will only name a few; those, if you do not know you should:
    Joe Wilson and Spade Cooley(My state Cal). 2010

    Don Trump – VOTE CLINTON- ’16

    Don Trump, Joe is the best man, 2020

    I’ve said many times the last several years ,”BUSH REPUBLICANS ARE DEM 5TH COLUMNISTS!”! They still are!

  3. “One problem: Republicans ran the 2020 Presidential elections in Georgia.”

    That is a big NOPE. The election was stolen at the the county district level where the poling officials were almost all democrat supporters that allowed recounts of 100% Biden ballots and the stuffing of ballot boxes. Twelve of the 14 metro Atlanta counties had over 100% of voter turnout. The problem was the Secretary of State and Governor were bought to look the other way.

  4. It is nice to see others waking up to the stone cold natural fact that the Republican establishment is not the friend of Constitutional conservatives. I’ve been saying it out loud for years and am finally no longer a lone wolf howling in the wilderness.

  5. Republicans steal elections as well, they just mainly do it in the primaries. There’s a reason the majority keep claiming the election was fair and our election systems are good.


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