11 Comments on Kevin’s Corner: Hillary’s “I know they all look alike” comment
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“eat a couple lice off their friends” Hahaha!
Good rant. Vote Republican!
I hate to excuse crooked hillery, but in the context of the conversation that she was having, it was a joke…. I cannot wrap my head around how thin skinned everyone has become…..
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
I like Kevin. He tell’s it like it is.
As for Killary’s comment, “they all look alike,” it was probably her first ever unscripted attempt at wit. It was funny.
But the humorless,asshole liberals don’t understand funny.
I have no use whatsoever for the Bitch of Benghazi, but here, I’ll give her a break.
We have lost our sense of humor. I blame the liberal media. They cannot understand a joke. But maybe the do, but just want to make jokes into racism, anti-semitism, homophobeism . anything. but a joke.
Years ago when I was struggling to make a living, I did side jobs and I dealt with a lumber yard run by Hasidic Jews. I made a deal with Jov, the boss, that I could get my material and pay him monthly. One day I came in and there was another guy behind the counter with Jov. They were both dressed the same, dirty white shirt, stained black vests, prayer beads hanging, etc So I said to
Jov: Are you guys twins? And Jov said to me: Naw, we all just look
alike like you Irish guys. LMAO. That was a long time ago.
It wasn’t a joke recently when Rosanne Barr or Meghan Kelly had a comment. The point is not can’t take a joke but rather some get to joke and others do not.
Kevin is always right on target!!
I didn’t know Van Jones would make such a video comment about Hillary’s comment.
I’d like to meet the guy! He’s pretty cool! I’m white BTW.
Crackerbaby- Yeah, but a shitty joke seeing as she didn’t set it up correctly (to slam Republicans with)and it came out of left (heh) field. It looked like she was slammming the interviewer. She’s wrong, she knows it, doesn’t care. So we get to be OUTRAGED for the Left. When you get a chance to Alinsky, even as a troll, don’t pass it up. Ever.
sorry….too late…..damage done…..
Too many people today passionately pursue two things:
1) looking for something trivial to bitch & whine about, and turn it into a big issue.
2) applying single-sided double-standard rules about who & what can be bitched & whined about.
I figure they prefer a life of misery and they’re trying to force everyone else to be miserable too.
Kevin seems not interested in accommodating them.
Isaac Hayes is a funny guy.
I get it ………. but sometimes I don’t ………
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