Key Beto O’Rourke aide leaves the campaign – IOTW Report

Key Beto O’Rourke aide leaves the campaign


Becky Bond, a key aide to Beto O’Rourke’s presidential campaign who helped run his unsuccessful Senate bid against Ted Cruz, has left the campaignBuzzFeed has confirmed.

Bond’s deputy, Zack Malitz, also departed.

Bond is a hard left activist from San Francisco who worked for Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016. But she lacked the experience to run a national campaign and O’Rourke, looking to professionalize his operation, brought in a seasoned pro.

The departures come as O’Rourke, the former Texas congressman, has sought to professionalize a campaign operation that was, in its earliest days, small and freewheeling. O’Rourke announced his run for the presidency less than a month ago.

In March, he recruited Jen O’Malley Dillon, a veteran operative who served in top leadership roles for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, to serve as his campaign manager.

In Washington, O’Malley Dillon’s hiring was taken as a sign that O’Rourke’s once-skeletal campaign was taking on a more professional cast, moving past the relatively small team that had helped propel him to his narrow loss in the Texas Senate race. Democratic strategists see O’Malley Dillon as an organized and even-handed counterbalance to O’Rourke, who is known for his spontaneity and rejection of traditional campaign tactics, like the use of consultants and pollsters.

Chris Evans, a spokesman for O’Rourke, did not address questions about the reasons for the departures or whether Bond and Malitz left voluntarily.


10 Comments on Key Beto O’Rourke aide leaves the campaign

  1. She probably quit because of the goofy Star Wars names: Beto O’Rourke, O’Malley Dillon…sounds like space leprechauns stomping on the tables in the cantina.

  2. Beano’s found a good scam.
    So have 20 (or so) other maggots of the Demonrat Partei.
    Plenty of suckers; plenty of money; hire the best con-men to make the most of it.

    Demonrats! Exploiting the poor and working “class” for a hundred and fifty years!
    “Never give a sucker an even break!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Maybe he could turn gay. That seems to be the new criteria for worthiness to lead.

    Or, did one well placed question about his lack of charitable giving cascade to this fall from him being The Next Kennedy.

    He met the 3 criterias usually asked of Democrats: Unqualified, Un-American and Unsane.

    If he’s going to beat Buttigieg, he’s going to go dirty and get Unsanitary.

  4. All these unqualified losers saw a black unqualified loser elected twice. They figure that if the seditious gay Kenyan commie can get elected with all his baggage, anyone can get elected.

  5. Follow the money.

    Anyone remember the “ Run Ben, Run!” radio spots?A campaign apparatus in search of a candidate.And when the folks behind the commercials got enough cash, and convinced Carson to run, they spent all the cash donated through their own agencies until it was gone.

    I hope all the (D) suckers dig deep into their pockets. Anyone who supports these losers deserves to be separated from their money.


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