Key Bioweapons Official Publicly Accuses Fauci of ‘Denial and Deception’ on COVID Origins – IOTW Report

Key Bioweapons Official Publicly Accuses Fauci of ‘Denial and Deception’ on COVID Origins

VNN: A leading biodefense official who played a key role in medical and public health preparedness under the Trump administration during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic alleged that current and former government officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have been “misdirecting” the public over the origins of COVID-19. more

5 Comments on Key Bioweapons Official Publicly Accuses Fauci of ‘Denial and Deception’ on COVID Origins

  1. “You can’t make a cogent, convincing argument that it came naturally from an animal. What they were trying to do is make the argument that it’s zoonotic, and there’s no evidence to support that.”

    …so they just laughed up their sleeves as elderly people they had whipped into a frenzy of fear sacrificed their pets, so they couldn’t even have the comfort of a furry friend later when they were dying of the shot the government also knew is so very deadly…

  2. Fauci is a lying dirtbag that says whatever he wants when confronted in that particular moment of time. He is a disgusting scourge on healthcare and deserves no better treatment than Joseph Mengele. I have to give Mengele more credit because he at least admitted experimenting on Jews. Fauci experimented on the global population and has no conscious about murdering humans.
    He is nothing more than a lying shitbag


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