Key Democrats say “assault weapons” ban doesn’t have the votes – IOTW Report

Key Democrats say “assault weapons” ban doesn’t have the votes

Ten GOP lawmakers would need to back any assault weapons ban to clear the 60-vote filibuster threshold. Thus far, none have signed on. more

15 Comments on Key Democrats say “assault weapons” ban doesn’t have the votes

  1. So from the perspective of democRATz, the Constitution has nothing whatsoever to with it. If they simply had the votes, they would gladly trample all over that document.

    That’s rather totalitarian of them doncha think?
    Particularly since they vote in a single unified block!

  2. The only thing between us and complete socialism, 2nd amendment.
    They have to feel that they are losing ground and have 2 more years to get it done. They will have to up the mass shootings, maybe another school or two.
    Watched Tore Says – ENJOY THE SHOW, this morning, we’re in deep excrement.

  3. ” What amazes me is the people passing these ‘laws’ think the people they send to enforce them are the only ones in harms way.”

    And it won’t be an “assault weapon” when it happens.

  4. Anybody voting to ban “assault weapons” should take note. There are tens of millions of real assault weapons floating around the world of the AK series. Anyone who ever saw one in an Army OPFOR exercise knows they would be easy to smugggle.

    They come apart like a 4 piece puzzle for cleaning. You could smuggle them into the US in a medium sized box. And they’d be real assault weapons, too. You want to turn half of America into criminals ….

  5. This from GOA, a millions strong lobbying Pro-Amendment 2 group-
    Joe Biden is trying to pass an “assault weapons” ban before the new Congress takes hold in January.
    Because an “assault weapons” ban already passed the House earlier this year, the 50-50 Senate is our only hope of stopping Biden’s latest attack on the Second Amendment.
    And since the midterm elections are now over and many Senators are about to retire, many Senators no longer feel accountable to their constituents.
    Write your Senator and you will probably get a mumbo jumbo reply:

  6. Laws made in violation of the Constitution are null & void.
    Way past time to ignore these fuckers & their minions.
    And when they come to harass you, make it count.


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