Key Oswald evidence in JFK assassination auctioned for $75,000 – IOTW Report

Key Oswald evidence in JFK assassination auctioned for $75,000

WaEx: The lone piece of evidence used to prove Lee Harvey Oswald was a good enough rifle shot to assassinate former President John F. Kennedy from a perch 265 feet away was auctioned off this week.

Oswald’s U.S. Marine Corps Score Book, which showed he was in the “sharpshooter” range and the second best behind expert, was sold by RR Auctions of Boston for $75,000. more

13 Comments on Key Oswald evidence in JFK assassination auctioned for $75,000

  1. “It showed that while in the Marines, he was a good shot. That’s all the Warren Commission, formed to probe the JFK killing, needed to conclude that he was the killer.”

    I made par the very first round of golf I ever played. That doesn’t automatically qualify me for a green jacket.

  2. I watched a very convincing docu called the SMoking Gun that, to me, proved conclusively a SS Agent in the open top car following the presidents’, accelerated after Oswald’s first shot and caused an Agent who was standing to fall backwards in that car & accidentally discharge an AR he was holding, striking JFK in the head with the fatal wound.

    Among a dozen or so unassailable points was the fact Oswald was using FMJ cartridges and the head wound was a JSP or hollow point bullet. The fragments removed from that head wound at Parkland were immediately impounded by the FBI(sound familiar) and were never seen again.

    I also made par on the first AND ONLY hole I ever played too, a par 5.

  3. This proves nothing. I qualified ass Expert the first time I ever shot an M16. Qualifying as a Marksman is the minimum you can do and still be a soldier. It simply means you did the minimum to qualify.

  4. Jerry

    Not true. His “marksmanship badge” is the least, minimum. worst . It says he got “Maggies Drawers ” many times!”

    he was a bad exJarhead in all ways. As were F. Lee Baily (probably the best lawyer in America from ’60 to ’99; but a bad man; and GWB’s Mueller.

  5. Just to clarify things a bit for those who didn’t get military firearm training, there are three levels of qualification:

    #1 – Expert
    #2 – Sharpshooter
    #3 – Marksman
    #4 – FAIL

    If Oswald got the Sharpshooter badge, he was a pretty good but not outstanding rifleman.

  6. It’s been more than half a century but even to be a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman we had to qualify at Marksman or better…I don’t remember much from those days much less what I scored, but I can tell you I love the shit out of that M-14. We also had to qualify with the old 1911 .45 I believe it was at 25 yards.

  7. For a Marine to qualify Sharp Shooter means he won’t be part of a unit that uses rifles. Of all our services, the Marines have the best small arms training and the highest standards. Not easy for me to say, I was Army.

    Then again, I wore Expert with more ladder rungs for different weapons than I could wear on a dress uniform.

    The Army didn’t teach me to shoot. They just made me shoot their way. Fair enough.

    Oh, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all of you for buying all the ammo and explosives I expended while I served. I couldn’t have done all that without your support. So, thanks!

  8. I several books on the subject.
    People that had any thing to do with
    the JFK affair were still having “accidents,
    victims of crime,heart attacks” well into
    the 1970’s.

  9. The real issue is, was Oswald acting alone or who put the act in motion.

    I personally believe he did take the shots and the target was moving up the scope in a almost straight path for easy follow ups. (Trap vs Skeet)

    What makes me laugh is the people who see the Carcano rifle scope & think that is is misaligned just because it is mounted slightly off centre.

    Regardless, Biden chose to keep the books sealed for a few more years while he anxiously waits for his fresh new mattress on Monday.


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