Key senators demand update on 50 dangerous Afghans Biden let enter U.S. – IOTW Report

Key senators demand update on 50 dangerous Afghans Biden let enter U.S.

JTN: Three senior U.S. senators are demanding a briefing from the FBI on dozens of Afghan refugees that were mistakenly let into the United States by the Biden administration despite serious security red flags in their background. 

The lawmakers are seeking to learn how many of the refugees have been expelled and whether the vetting blunders have been fixed.

Sens. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), and James Inhofe (R-Okla.) wrote in a letter released Friday that they are concerned the background check process has not been fixed by the Homeland Security Department and that Americans remain vulnerable.

Just the News reported earlier this year that the Pentagon inspector general concluded that at least 50 Afghan refugees brought to the United States in the aftermath of the bungled U.S. troop withdrawal last August had “significant security” risks in their backgrounds that weren’t detected because DOD officials did not check all required intelligence databases.

The watchdog said “significant security concerns” included individuals whose latent fingerprints have been found on improvised explosive devices and known or suspected terrorists. Among the databases that weren’t checked was the Defense Department’s tactical terrorism data. more

17 Comments on Key senators demand update on 50 dangerous Afghans Biden let enter U.S.

  1. Unless and until the roll of the Republican establishment in this shit is acknowledged and dealt with it will continue unabated. This is nothing but Kabuki theater on the part of the establishment GOP.

  2. “50 dangerous Afghans ”

    I would imagine the numbers are MUCH higher than that. All part of the plan. Which includes early release of violent felons. Not prosecuting violent felons. An open southern border. They are trying to create a greater probability of gun crimes to justify gun confiscation. And when that doesn’t work the just pull a couple false flags. They need our weapons to assert total control over us and that is their goal.
    Yesterday John Voight announced his support for a mental health card in order to own a gun.
    Yesterday Tulsi Gabbard announced her support for armed guards and teachers at our schools.
    It’s getting pretty confusing when it comes down to whom to trust.

  3. While bitching at our senator in Arizona about the amount of Illegals and refugees ,mark kelly said he would put as many afghans in Arizona as he could. How’s that taking care of Legal Arizona Citizens?

  4. They’re long gone. They don’t know where any of them are. And, of course, there will be lots of hollering about it, but no one will be held accountable for a fucking thing, until one of these Afghans kills a bunch of people.

  5. Remember, 99% are fake. They are living among and around us. The sleeper cells will organize and train to fight. There about one million of them and they will attack at the order of any imam (holy man). They are not traceable; they have one motive and now live in most American neighborhoods. One day, their offensive will begin, and you should have a gun if you want to fight back. They hit unexpectedly and flee. Are we ready for this America?

  6. Likely in Afghan training camps in America. They know the US Military won’t strike their own, so they are building a new army. Could be training in the Ukraine as well. It will be much easier now that they have sent a good share of our military equipment to the Ukraine.

  7. @Brad May 29, 2022 at 1:50 pm

    > It’s getting pretty confusing when it comes down to whom to trust.

    Who do those that call you “enemy” trust? With titles? With “seats at the table”? With laws for “thee”, not “we”?

    Eazy peazy.

  8. @jeffery clemens May 29, 2022 at 2:23 pm

    > Are we ready for this America?

    Ready to mop up? The foreigners that occupy America? The same way they occupied Iraq? The same way the occupied Afghanistan? After somebody else get the party started?

    I don’t think so.


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