Khan’s London: Murder Rate Reaches Decade High as Knife Killings Surge – IOTW Report

Khan’s London: Murder Rate Reaches Decade High as Knife Killings Surge

Breitbart- The number of people murdered in London has reached its highest level in a decade under the leadership of Mayor Sadiq Khan, with 149 people losing their lives in 2019.

The homicide rate in London last year was the highest since 2008 when 154 people were killed in the capital and ten per cent higher than in 2018 when 135 people were murdered. The majority of victims were stabbed to death, with 90 people being killed by knives, up from 55 in 2014.

Gang-related murders have risen sharply during the mayoralty of Sadiq Khan, with 42 people dying in gang-related crimes, more than double that of 2014 when 17 people died in gang crimes, reports The Guardian.

In 2018, Mayor Sadiq Khan launched a £500,000 “violent crime unit” in response to the knife crime epidemic sweeping over the city. The founder of Anti-Knife UK, Danny O’Brien, said that the mayor’s response was inadequate to deal with the problem.
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8 Comments on Khan’s London: Murder Rate Reaches Decade High as Knife Killings Surge

  1. …not a problem, I’ve trained with knives too AND trained to DISARM folks that try to kill me with knives, did it SUCCESSFULLY a couple of times in real-world conditions as well; and NOW, I’m under no legal obligation to FIX what I break like I was BEFORE, so no need to hold back on the technique to minimize damage…

    …Bring it, mudslim. I’M not running. My knife fighting instructor (I STILL take lessons) showed me a thing where you can cram a carelessly proffered knife into the wielder’s lower jaw using his own hands, and I would LOVE for you to give me an opportunity to try it outside of a dojang…

    …oh, and I don’t LOOK like much, so you MIGHT get a SURPRISE when you go for your next victim, and it’s me, or someone LIKE me, we don’t wear name tags, so good luck…

  2. It’s kinda hard to get rid of knives, even if they actually did make people who possess them use them against one another.

    Anyone with an IQ equal to room temperature, and the will to do so, can easily make one with a piece of scrap steel and a file.

    Maybe steel and files should be made illegal in England since they obviously have the ability to force people to make knives with them, that should provide a final solution to the problem.


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