Kid Doodles On Dad’s Passport – Now He’s Stuck in South Korea – IOTW Report

Kid Doodles On Dad’s Passport – Now He’s Stuck in South Korea

Screen Shot 2014-06-01 at 12.20.03 PM

Story HERE

It still looks better than Obngo’s Birth Certificate



ht/ reddecaesari


9 Comments on Kid Doodles On Dad’s Passport – Now He’s Stuck in South Korea

  1. ! I’d have brass knuckled that kid til I got back home to China.

    At least his passport was real when it was 1 st produced. Lol
    0bama’s another story.

  2. Real number under here, I swear!

    Important seal! Funny, funny sh*t that.

    I like this one better than all the others. Including all the many and varied ones obama has “officially released”.

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