Kiddie Data Predators – IOTW Report

Kiddie Data Predators

Conservative Review/Michelle Malkin:

[…] Local administrators, dazzled by “digital learning initiatives” and shiny tech toys, have sold out vulnerable children to Silicon Valley. Educators and parents who expose and oppose this alarmingly intrusive regime are mocked and marginalized. And Beltway politicians, who are holding Senate hearings this week on Big Tech’s consumer privacy breaches, remain clueless or complicit in the wholesale hijacking of school-age kids’ personally identifiable information for endless data mining and future profit.  Article here

1 Comment on Kiddie Data Predators

  1. Thebest “investigative reporter” in the last 70 years. Fired decades ago because she was , and is tooth’s day, honest.

    Google has said many times the last 16 years they do NOT do this. Many time Google has been proved to be a bunch of progressive liars. She is right!

    As she has been time and time again the last 25 years!


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