Kidding around on a trampoline – IOTW Report

Kidding around on a trampoline

Cute kid.

h/t Dave.

12 Comments on Kidding around on a trampoline

  1. This last summer a friend brought over a mother goat and her daughter to feed off the foliage in my yard for a few weeks. They had a lot of personality and all my neighbors fell in love with them.

  2. Owning a backyard trampoline has apparently become a big liability concern for insurers.

    Each year my homeowners insurance agent asks me if I own a trampoline. I don’t. Never have.
    Last year the question came up multiple times in a short review. As if designed to get me to “confess”.

    Rufus T: Suspected Clandestine Trampoline Owner.

    Good thing they didn’t ask about my Chainsaw Bayonet collection.

  3. I enjoy immensely, the abandon and joy in that baby goat.
    I want a couple for Angus to herd around.
    Trampolines are liability suit because of all the horrific fall injuries they produce
    Rufus, they are as bad a liability as a pool.

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